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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • dgMarket Online Information Service Extends Coverage to Include US Tenders

    More than $500 Billion in Tenders Annually

    The leading independent aggregator of government tender information online, dgMarket, has expanded coverage to include US Federal Government tender notices. The dgMarket service, which is a growing program of the Development Gateway Foundation, will now feature more than $500 billion in contracts worldwide on an annual basis.

  • Australia: Tender released for electronic health record system

    Government seeks advice on benefits, trends.

    The Australian Government has released a tender for consulting work prior to the roll-out of a personally-controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) system.

    Issued as part of the Government's $466.7 million eHealth investment, the Request for Tender for the PCEHR system (RFT 217/1011) was welcomed by the Minister for Health and Ageing, Nicola Roxon.

    "The successful tenderer will put in place the analytical and evaluation framework that will underpin the development of e-health records," Roxon said.

  • Bahrain: Private sector to be trained in e-Tendering

    In a special effort to involve the kingdom's private sector in its ongoing e-tendering system, the Tender Board has joined hands with the Labour Fund (LF) to train owners and employees from the private sector on navigating the e-Tendering process.

    The two organisations signed a milestone memorandum of understanding (MoU) yesterday under which 300 companies will receive training on using the e-Tendering system to capture a bigger share of government contracts.

  • Bayern: Ausbau des eGovernment-Angebots

    Staatskanzleichef Schneider startet neue Verkündungsplattform Bayern

    Alle vier Amtsblätter der Staatsregierung künftig in elektronischer Fassung / Minister Schneider: „Wichtiger Baustein bei eGovernment-Initiative des Freistaates Bayern“

    Der Leiter der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei Staatsminister Siegfried Schneider startete am 22. Januar 2009 in der Staatskanzlei per Knopfdruck die neue „Verkündungsplattform Bayern".

  • BD: Electronic tendering

    The idea of electronic tendering (e-tendering) has been doing the rounds for sometime in the country, though with no visible outcome as yet. As is often the case with the authorities here, it is the ideas - the charm of the ideas to be precise - that enthral them into a bewildering inaction, implementing those eventually becomes less than demanding. E-tendering is a case in point. It is not only a highly efficient tool to part with much of the cumbersome works at bidding and post-bidding stages, it has also proven the potential to ensure transparency -- a much needed goal that governance demands in order to be credible. It is easily accessible, secure and cuts on costs considerably.

  • DE: E-Government Initiative für De-Mail und den neuen Personalausweis

    Teilnahmemöglichkeiten veröffentlicht

    Behörden, die neue Anwendungen oder innovative Einsatzszenarien für De-Mail und den neuen Personalausweis entwickeln möchten und sich Unterstützung durch die E-Government-Initiative wünschen, haben seit heute wieder die Möglichkeit, ihr Interesse an einer Teilnahme zu bekunden. Die Details zu den Teilnahmemöglichkeiten wurden u.a. hier veröffentlicht:;jsessionid=09EA9FC874CCE49AD61BA19E 37F69EF4.2_cid287.

    Die Frist für die Einreichung von Interessensbekundungen endet am 15. Juli 2013.

  • e-Tendering vow by Bahrain

    Bahrain is offering e-Tendering tips to private companies to enable them to capture a bigger share of government contracts.

    More than 300 companies are to be trained in using the online system, as part of the first batch.

    This follows the signing of a memorandum of understanding by the Tender Board and the Labour Fund to train owners and employees from the private sector on navigating the e-Tendering process.

  • East Africa: E-Tendering One Good Way to Curb Procurement Corruption

    Tendering and awarding bids is the most sensitive and critical step in public sector procurement.

    Tendering is basically the process where a buying institution publishes its intention to purchase some goods from or engage the services of a suitable vendor, passes on the details of what it needs in terms of goods or services and invites sealed bids / offers in order to select the most competent and competitive bids.

  • IN: Omar puts Jammu & Kashmir Projects Construction Corporation on e-tendering portal

    Says e-governance effective tool of transparency

    Describing e-governance an effective tool to ensure transparency in the functioning of government departments particularly those dealing with construction, procurement and purchases, Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah Saturday put the J&K Projects Construction Corporation (JKPCC) on e-tendering portal.

    “The Chief Minister launched Rs 700 lakh Magloor-Bakhtar Bridge over Ternah Nallah in district Kathua on e-tendering process at a meeting of the corporation,” an official statement said.

  • India: Capital Bid

    Encouraged by the success of its e-Tendering system, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi plans to now work towards a comprehensive e-Procurement system.

    A little turn of phrase on astronaut Neil Armstrong’s famous proclamation once he set foot on the Moon may be one way of describing the spirit with which the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has approached e-governance. A small step for e-governance, but a giant technology leap for municipal corporations.

  • India: Tamil Nadu: Highways Department introduces e-tender facility

    As part of the e-governance initiative to make its working transparent, the Highways Department has introduced e-tender facility, Minister for Highways and Minor Ports M.P. Saminathan said on Saturday.

    Launching a website of the Tamil Nadu Highways Engineers Association (, he said he would take up the issues, highlighted by the association, with the Chief Minister.

  • Ireland: Online contract shopping as easy as 1, 2, 3

    Taking the pain of complex procurement processes and opening up the market to new suppliers, the Government’s eTenders site has been a great success.

    Since it started life as pilot project in 2001 to support EU procurement strategies, the eTenders website has been one of Ireland’s e-government success stories.

  • Ireland: Tender is the site

    “We are attracting a large percentage of small and medium-sized companies because of the nature of tenders,” explains Liz Nolan (pictured), assistant principal at the Department of Finance and the lady behind one of Ireland’s most powerful web portals potentially responsible for leading to €15bn worth of business every year.

    “The tendering process can vary depending on the complexity of the tender but most public bodies offering contracts over €50,000 would seek tenders online.”

  • Österreich: Bei Online-Diensten hat Salzburg die Nase vorn

    Seit einigen Jahren setzt das Land Salzburg verstärkt auf das Internet als Informationsquelle. Zahlreiche Angebote wurden ausgebaut und brauchen einen Vergleich nicht zu scheuen, was ein jüngster Austausch unter Fachleuten wieder zeigte. Wurden früher räumliche Inhalte in Form von analogen Karten, Luftbildern und Orthofotos an verschiedensten Stellen gesammelt, archiviert und in Reproduktion verfügbar gemacht, so kann man heute „auf Knopfdruck" und ganz gezielt nach persönlichen Interessen oder Schwerpunkten mit einem Geografischen Informationssystem (GIS) arbeiten.
  • UK: Defence sales go online

    The public may be able to pick up a Green Goddess fire truck, warship or aircraft at an online auction

    The auction launched by The Disposal Sales Agency, part of the Ministry of Defence (MoD), allows potential buyers to bid and pay for ex government items online.

  • UK: Tender goes out for London e-gov portal

    London Connects, an e-Government agency has opened a tender for the appointment of a contractor to develop an online portal for access to public services in London.

    The contract has been valued at between £500,000 and £1m and is the first phase of a £2m initiative aimed at meeting targets to bring all government services online by 2005.

  • USA: eHealth Initiative to Recognize Leadership in Quality Through Health IT With Inaugural Awards

    Event in conjunction with October 11-12 Fourth Annual National Conference

    Today the non-profit eHealth Initiative (eHI) announced the call for nominations for its First Annual Improving Healthcare Quality through Information and Information Technology Awards. The deadline for submitting nominations is August 15, 2007. The awards will be presented in Washington on October 10 at an awards dinner kicking-off eHI's Fourth Annual National Conference: Policies and Best Practices at the National, State and Local Levels for Improving Health and Healthcare through Information and Information Technology taking place at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center October 11-12.

  • USA: New Jersey: Bridgton City joins online auction service

    As part of its ongoing mission to streamline its business dealings, the city has signed on to be part of both an online auction of surplus property and a paperless voucher system.

    Mayor Jim Begley recently approved the use of online auctioneer GovDeals (, a service that conducts online sales of surplus government property and equipment to other public institutions.

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