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Saturday, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BH: Bahrain

  • Bahrain Works Ministry's electronic services users soar

    The number of users for the 10 electronic services at Bahrain's Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning reached 10,284 during the first half of the year.

    The services can be accessed through both the Ministry's portal and the e-Government portal, said a statement.

    Hisham Sater, information technology director at the Ministry, said that the statistics revealed that the Materials Testing Results Services targeted the highest number of users with 7,572 users, after which came the Traffic Diversion Request e-Service with 2,114 users, and then the Material/Product Assessment eService with 284 users.

  • Bahrain: Inauguration of e-Services Centres and e-Kiosk Machines Completed

    The inauguration of the 15 e government services centres 35 self service machines (e Kiosk) across and the kingdom is complete, announced the Cabinet Affairs Minister Shaikh Ahmed bin Atiyatollah Al Khalifa and the Minister in Charge of the Communication Sector.

    This came as Shaikh Ahmed patronised the inauguration ceremony held at Moda Mall in the presence of the e-Government Authority Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mohammed Ali Al Qaed and Credit Max CEO Mohammed Malik. The move is in line with the e-government Authority's vision aiming to provide e-services through different channels, as outlined by the Economic Vision for Bahrain, 2030, said Shaikh Ahmed.

  • Bahrain: Key services on mobile phones

    Government services will soon be available via mobile phones, it was revealed yesterday.

    The eGovernment Authority of Bahrain (eGA) signed an agreement with Affno, a leading provider of e-Government solutions and Third Wave International, Affno's Middle East partner, to manage and execute the mobile portal in Bahrain.

    The agreement was signed by eGA chief executive Mohammed Al Qaed and Third Wave International managing director Stefan Moraes.

  • Bahrain: Speeding up government services is top priority says HRH Premier

    All citizens in Bahrain make up one family led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa said calling on all to rally around the national flag and interest and shun what jeopardizes national unity.

    He was speaking as he received at Gudaibiya Palace today senior officials, ministers, MPs, Shura Council Members, municipal councillors, clerics, the Intelligentsia, journalists, media persons and citizens. Shura Council and Parliament Chairmen Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh and Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Dhahrani also attended.

  • Bahrain: 100th e-service launched

    Bahrain's e-government services plan is running two months ahead of schedule, a top official announced yesterday.

    Cabinet Affairs Minister and Supreme Committee for Information and Communication Technology member Shaikh Ahmed bin Ateyatala Al Khalifa revealed the news as he launched the 100th e-service during a ceremony at the Gulf Hotel's Gulf Convention Centre.

  • Bahrain: 19 firms in bid for Smart Card project

    NINETEEN companies submitted bids yesterday for a multi-million dinar project to create Bahrain's Smart Card system.

    The multi-purpose electronic card, the first of its kind in the world, is expected to be issued to every individual in Bahrain by the end of next year.

  • Bahrain: 20 million visit e-government portal

    Twenty million people have visited Bahrain e-government portal since the national e-government strategy was launched.

    A new set featuring 13 new e-services will be added to next month, bringing the overall number of services to 124.

    The update was revealed as Deputy Premier Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa chaired the 27th meeting of the High National Committee for Information and Telecommunications at Gudaibiya Palace. A total of 146,038 transactions worth BD9.8m have also been processed via the portal.

  • Bahrain: 20 public services to go online in new push

    About 20 government services will be offered to the public through electronic transactions by April next year, it was revealed yesterday.

    The government is making an all out effort to help citizens and residents to benefit from the new e-transaction law, said Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) Under-Secretary Mohammed Al Amer.

  • Bahrain: 24-hour e-visa services on way

    Electronic visa services will soon be available in Bahrain 24 hours a day, seven days a week, it was revealed yesterday.

    The new service will avoid paperwork, queues and delays, said Interior Ministry's undersecretary for Nationality, Passports and Residence Shaikh Rashid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa.

    He was speaking at the launch of the electronic no-objection certificate (NOC) service for visit visas, at a workshop organised by the eGovernment Agency, at the Crowne Plaza's Bahrain Conference Centre.

  • Bahrain: 56 services to go hi-tech by end of year

    A total of 56 e-government services will be available by the end of this year, Cabinet Affairs Minister Shaikh Ahmed bin Ateyatala Al Khalifa told Shura Council members yesterday. He said that the government currently offers about 1,370 general services to individuals and the private sector.

    "Half of these services can be included under the e-government project," said Shaikh Ahmed at the council's weekly session.

  • Bahrain: A BD42m online revolution

    Fifty government services are now available online and another 40 to 50 are expected within the next six months, it was revealed yesterday.

    The government's BD42 million project to make 167 services available online by 2010, is making good progress and public awareness is growing, said e-Government Agency chief executive Mohammed Al Qaed.

  • Bahrain: A New Address for the eGovernment Portal

    Faster and more convenient access to Bahrain's eGovernment services

    Kingdom of Bahrain, As part of the Kingdom of Bahrain's national strategy to execute comprehensive e-Government programmes, under the patronage of H.E Sheikh Ahmed Bin Ateyat Allah Al Khalifa, Bahrain's Minister of Cabinet Affairs, the eGovernment Authority today announced the launch of a new address for the eGovernment portal, at a press conference in the presence of senior government officials and a local and regional media representatives.

  • Bahrain: A red letter day for new service

    The Bahrain Post, in co-operation with the e-Government Authority (e-GA) has launched the Mailbox Renewal e-Service for individuals and businesses through the country's national portal database.

    It follows the introduction of the successful e-service earlier this year enabling the tracking of postal packages.

    The Mailbox Renewal e-Service simplifies the process and makes it more convenient for those who wish to renew their mailboxes, while at the same time easing the workload of Bahrain Post staff and enabling better efficiency at post offices.

  • Bahrain: Airport e-gate to ease travel

    A new e-gate at Bahrain International Airport's arrival area, where Bahraini travellers can use their Smartcards instead of passports, was officially launched yesterday. A ceremony marking the occasion was held under the patronage of Interior Ministry Under-secretary for Nationality, Passports and Residence Shaikh Rashid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa at the airport's arrival area.

    Passports are being replaced by Smartcards at the e-gates, said assistant under-secretary for nationality, passports and residence Shaikh Ahmed bin Isa Al Khalifa.

  • Bahrain: Appointments online

    People can now go online to check on appointments at Salmaniya Medical Complex (SMC) outpatient clinics and book appointments at private clinics.

    They can also check drug prices, entries in the doctors and dentists directory and apply for Health Ministry jobs.

    It follows the launch of a new website by the Health Ministry yesterday.

  • Bahrain: Batelco 'committed to e-Gov ICT strategy'

    Bahrain's leading telecom group Batelco is committed to investment in the Kingdom and its support of the nationwide e-Government ICT strategy, said a top official.

    Speaking at the international press gathering at the recent 'Cisco Networkers 2010' event, Batelco chief executive (Bahrain), Gert Rieder reiterated the company's commitment to the ICT industry in the Kingdom.

  • Bahrain: Batelco and CIO sign MoU

    Another significant development took place in Bahrain's e-government project when Batelco and the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) signed a memorandum of understanding. Batelco will be working on the e-government initiative with the CIO, the Central Statistics Organisation, the body that runs central government computer systems and infrastructure.
  • Bahrain: Batelco commits to e-government project

    Bahrain's e-government project took a significant step forward on yesterday, when Batelco and the Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) signed a memorandum of understanding.

    The agreement defines Batelco's role in providing communications technology for the Kingdom's pioneering e-government initiative.

  • Bahrain: Batelco plans $16 million investment

    Batelco will invest $16 million (BD6.8 million) over the next 12 months on the third phase of its next generation network (NGN) services across the kingdom.

    This is the final phase of a $57m (BD21.8m) investment to deliver automated broadband access to all residences across the country.

  • Bahrain: Batelco steps into future with new deal

    BAHRAIN took a step into the future last night, with the signing of an agreement that will pave the way for electronic government

    Batelco and the government's Central Informatics Organisation (CIO) signed a memorandum of understanding, which defines Batelco's role in providing state-of-the-art communications technology.

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