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Sunday, 16.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • AU: Satellite not good enough for outback broadband

    Rural health providers fear the 3 per cent of Australians living in remote areas who would benefit most from broadband access will be further disadvantaged by the satellite services they will end up with under the National Broadband Network.

    "We have been frustrated over plans to deliver world-class broadband to 97 per cent of the population," National Rural Health Alliance chairwoman Jennifer May has told an inquiry into the NBN.

    "For us, the missing 3 per cent -- those who live in quite remote and poor reception areas -- provide the real test.

  • AU: Slow NBN rollout contributing to digital literacy deficit

    "If you don't have the NBN, you won't generate the digital literacy to maximise the use of it," says Flinders University's associate head of ICT

    The slow roll out of the National Broadband Network is contributing an ongoing digital literacy deficit across Australia, especially in telehealth, according to speakers at the Connected Australia event in Sydney.

    “There's a lot of up-skilling to do, in particular at the home end or recipient end of healthcare. There's a notion of build it and they will come: If you don't have the NBN, you won't generate the digital literacy to maximise the use of it. So it's a little like chicken and egg,” said Professor Colin Carati, associate head of ICT at Flinders University.

  • AU: State councils need to share NBN learnings

    A web-based resource would help councils in non-NBN test areas learn about e-health experiments, according to UK-based broadband expert.

    An information resource to help councils in areas of Australia that are not located in the National Broadband Network (NBN) test sites needs to be created in order for them to prepare and learn from other councils' experiences, according to a visiting broadband expert.

    UK-based, Dr Tim Williams, was in Australia to present a white paper called "Connecting Communities: The impact of broadband on communities in the UK and its implications for Australia<" to the Federal Government’s Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee.

  • AU: Sunraysia: Wait frustrates: Network would improve health outcomes

    Lower Murray Medicare Local eHealth manager Troy Bailey believes Sunraysia needs the National Broadband Network as soon as possible.

    Mr Bailey said technology was providing people with better access to medical specialists each day, but faster internet speeds would improve health outcomes even further.

    He said the Federal Government had already introduced incentives for health practitioners to embrace technology and consult via the internet.

  • AU: Superhighway leads to coherent and connected health system

    Australia's $467 million electronic health records enterprise is the best chance for such a system to succeed where others have struggled or failed.

    The National E-Health Transition Authority, formed in 2005 by the Council of Australian Governments to bring unity to e-health development, can be likened to the 20th-century push to standardise Australia's rail gauges. Doing things in a standard way unlocks the potential of the developments taking place across the nation and ends the current situation of multiple technologies that cannot talk to each other.

    Why the need for electronic records? They were recommended by the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, which recognised that to keep costs contained and the system sustainable the health system must work in a better way. Costs and demand may be rising, but technology is the health system's get-out-of-jail card.

  • AU: Tapping into the NBN transformation

    As the NBN debate in Australia continues, it can be easy to lose sight of the transformative power of high speed, ubiquitous broadband. With a broadband network that can reliably provide the link to high quality video collaboration services, the lives of many Australians will be revolutionised by the way we work, deliver health care service and teach our children.

    Many Australian businesses have bought into the benefits video conferencing can deliver. Based on Ovum research, a third of businesses are already using professional, business- grade video conferencing services, with an additional 34 per cent expecting to use it in the next 12 months.

  • AU: Tasmania: Government under renewed pressure to resolve NBN delays

    The Federal Government is under renewed pressure to resolve delays to the NBN rollout in Tasmania.

    The ABC has obtained figures showing the network had passed 32,000 premises in the state in August, with no progress since.

    Dean Winter from Tas ICT says the Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull needs to get things moving again, quickly.

  • AU: Tasmania: National Broadband Network pilot enhances opportunities for rural communities

    The Premier, Lara Giddings, said criticism of the pilot roll-out of the National Broadband Network in Tasmania reflected a fundamental misunderstanding of the importance of broadband to regional communities.

    Ms Giddings said NBN Co was ultimately responsible for the roll-out of the NBN and would determine the timetable for the further expansion of the network in Tasmania.

    “We know that Tasmanian communities want to have access to fast and affordable broadband and I would encourage the Federal Government to act quickly to commence the second stage of the roll-out,” Ms Giddings said.

  • AU: Telehealth and the NBN myth

    Opinion: New funding for old innovation.

    Of all of the many promises the NBN is supposed to fulfill, its role in the delivery of electronic health is probably the most contentious.

    Society has a very real problem of escalating health costs for services struggling to meet the increasing burden of ageing, chronic disease and obesity. Alongside this is the promise of improved efficiencies brought about by computerisation and faster broadband networks.

  • AU: Telehealth doesn't need fibre, the technology already exists: Experts

    The fundamental problem with telehealth is not a lack of NBN connectivity; it's culture, intransigence, and needing to change the way the health sector does business, said CSIRO chief scientist professor Branko Celler.

    One of the core principles of belief in why Australia needs to deploy a full fibre-to-the-premises (FttP) National Broadband Network (NBN) across the country is telehealth. However, in a panel session that should give FttP proponents nightmares, a quartet of health experts have identified the issues with increasing the use of telehealth as being cultural and operational, not bound by the speed of a data connection.

  • AU: Telehealth pilots showcase the NBN

    Six months after the introduction of new Medicare rebates and incentive payments to encourage the take-up of video consultations in health and aged care, the government now wants to stimulate the use of in-home telehealth technology - but only where it shows off the value of the National Broadband Network.

    Over the weekend, a joint ministerial statement announced a further $20.6 million to fund pilot projects, in areas where the NBN has already been rolled out, which demonstrate how in-home technology can improve aged care, palliative care and cancer care.

  • AU: Telehealth vendors not phased by NBN debate

    Faster broadband could reduce ballooning health IT costs, says Frost & Sullivan.

    The NBN will be a boon to Australian healthcare regardless of which political party has its way on the final technology approach for delivery, officials from health IT vendors said at a lunch in Sydney.

    The officials indicated that either the Labor party’s fibre-to-the-premises or the Coalition’s fibre-to-the-node plan could offer the minimum speeds and reliability levels required by telehealth and other bandwidth-intensive health IT activities.

  • AU: The Digital Economy Strategy - a roadmap to where?

    ’It is more important to convince people of the need for an NBN as a starting point’

    The Digital Economy Strategy, recently announced at ceBIT Australia 2011, has been warmly received by the industry. But analysts are less certain of the strategy.

    When Communications Minister, Senator Stephen Conroy, lifted the curtains on the elusive Digital Economy Strategy at CeBit 2011 in late May, the response was overwhelmingly positive.

    The strategy contains eight ambitious goals for Australia to achieve with the help of high-speed broadband by 2020. These include pushing Australia into the top five OECD countries with households connected to broadband, doubling the level of workers that telecommunicate and closing the gap between businesses in capital cities and those in regional areas.

  • AU: The National Broadband Network innovation injection

    With the NBN and mobile broadband networks now well and truly underway it is important to look at what the real value of this new infrastructure will be.

    The infrastructure that is now being built offers a range of features such as ubiquitousness, affordability, low latency, high speed and high capacity. It will link millions of devices, such as sensors, that will enable us to more efficiently and effectively manage our environment, traffic, infrastructures, and our society as a whole.

  • AU: The national broadband network adrenaline shot

    Healthcare is a $5.5 trillion global industry – by far the world’s largest single industry.

    Yet it is also one of the most inefficient. Only because our health is so important do we tolerate levels of service that would be totally unacceptable in other industries. One just has to look at waiting rooms where people are left sitting for hours before they are attended to; making more efficient appointments is in most cases not an option.

    At the same time it is still one of the most closed industries. It is heavily dominated by a large number of silos which are not known for their cross-sector cooperation; and often there are very serious political battles between medical groups. These activities have devalued improvements for decades.

  • AU: The National Broadband Network application blueprint: What the next decade holds

    The National Broadband Network (NBN) is set to transform a wide range of industries with the availability of next-generation applications over the next decade

    The National Broadband Network (NBN) is set to transform a wide range of industries with the availability of next-generation applications over the next decade.

    While the health and education sectors are being touted as early beneficiaries of the network there are a range of other industries set to be transformed.

  • AU: The NBN's digital productivity potential

    After some five years of public debate on the National Broadband Network (NBN) it is heartening to see that more and more people are getting the message that the network means more than just fast internet access. Increasingly key decision-makers in business and government are reaching an understanding of the transformation that is underway in the economy.

    It started with the music industry, followed by the publishing industry. The retail sector is learning its lessons the hard way but it is now beginning to understand the new environment. The entertainment industry is still trying to stop the tsunami by employing armies of lawyers, but it will soon also be engulfed by the changes. The banking sector is making a much smoother transition, while the demise of Kodak is another example of ‘missing the boat’.

  • AU: The real NBN business plan

    It is important to revisit the reasons for Australia building its national broadband network (NBN).

    Several things became clear during the privatisation process of Telstra in the last decade. Broadband quality was below the international benchmark, end-user and wholesale prices were above that mark and there was no economically viable business case for high-speed broadband infrastructure for regional and rural Australia.

    Coinciding with the debate around these issues was the arrival of the GFC and the government’s decision to change its broadband infrastructure plan from a regional to a national one. It also linked that to the development of the digital economy and launched supporting policies in e-commerce, e-health, e-education and smart grid, all aimed at utilising the NBN for those purposes.

  • AU: The top 10 benefits of the National Broadband Network

    Leaving aside the hype and political brouhahas that surround it, what exactly can the NBN do for ordinary Australians? Here's a list of the top benefits.

    Ask Rod Tucker what he'd like to do with the high speeds and ubiquitous connectivity offered by the national broadband network (NBN), and he's full of ideas. Of course, that's his job: as director of the Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society(IBES) think-tank at the University of Melbourne, Professor Tucker and his team of thinkers are eagerly working to substantiate the use cases for the country's biggest infrastructure project.

  • AU: Time to use National Broadband Network to deliver better, cheaper e-health

    As the infrastructure for the National Broadband Network rolls out across the nation, work is ramping up on the applications that will leverage the power of high-speed broadband to drive economic growth and improve our quality of life.

    Of these applications, one of the most critical is e-health, which promises to reduce the cost of healthcare while improving access to health services for all Australians, regardless of location.

    The risks, and need for diligence around implementing e-health systems, are high in light of recent failures both locally and overseas.

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