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Saturday, 8.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001


  • Australia: Broadband boom for Coffs

    The Coffs Coast will be among the first places to benefit from the Australian Government’s $43 billion National Broadband Network if a Southern Cross University-led campaign is successful.

    Senior University representatives have presented a submission to Federal Member for Page, Janelle Saffin, to get the National Broadband Network (NBN) rolled out early to the NSW North Coast.

  • Australia: Broadband brings medical specialists to the bush

    If you're ever a patient in a regional hospital and facing a tricky medical dilemma it's becoming increasingly likely your doctor will be beamed to your bedside by high-speed broadband.

    The federal Government has endorsed a telemedicine trial by Victorian health authorities, using videoconferencing technology that has already been used successfully in NSW.

    The 12-month trial, which began last December but was unveiled by Communications Minister Senator Conroy at Victoria's Alfred Hospital last night, will allow Melbourne medical specialists to use videoconferencing systems to assess patients in regional trauma and critical care units up to 600 km away.

  • Australia: Broadband for all – whether you like it or not?

    Every day this week, several times a day in fact, Kevin Rudd will say the word “broadband” and the phrase “12 megabits per second” somewhere in Australia. Eight mentions, no doubt, equals a soundbyte, just as 8 bits equal a byte.

    The $4.7 billion fibre to the node “broadband for all” idea is one of the main planks of the ALP’s election platform and the leader of the ALP talks about it every day, in every way, in every shopping mall.

  • Australia: Broadband not a 'silver bullet'

    Broadband is not a silver bullet that will cool the globe, stop the drought and cut hospital queues just by widening and speeding up the pipes, Special Minister of State Gary Nairn says.

    "If we took that approach to our roads, we would just turn every road into a 20-line highway," he told a government law and media conference.

  • Australia: Broadband opens door to specialist care

    Fast broadband links should allow a host of new health services to be delivered to people in rural and remote areas, and potentially right into aged-care or domestic homes.

    Doctors already involved in Australia's embryonic telemedicine sector, which allows patients to consult specialists hundreds or thousands of kilometres away, say the Government's plans to build a $43 billion national fibre-optic network is a good first step to encourage further roll-out of such hi-tech services.

  • Australia: Broadband pledge needs global dimension

    As the federal Government moves to fulfil its election promise to build a world-class national broadband network, greater clarity is needed about how this infrastructure will enhance our ability to play a role in the global digital economy and position Australia as a leader in the services sector.

    Australia is already a strong services economy with proven strengths in the financial sector, education, tourism and health.

    The new national broadband network will play an important role in enabling and extending each of these sectors, allowing us to develop innovative systems we can take to the world.

  • Australia: Broadband projects target health sector

    The Rudd Government has wheeled out four new funding projects under its Digital Regions Initiative that it says will use improved communications services to deliver better health outcomes in regional and remote Australia.

    The projects include $2.48 million toward a South Australian Digital Telehealth Network project aimed improving the state’s distance consultation services – including 24/7 triage and liaison services – and $1.8 million for a NSW Ambulance clinical outreach program for new medical record, administration and e-learning systems at 190 ambulance stations.

  • Australia: Broadband telehealth project targets older people

    Two telehealth trials involving older people will commence in Armidale and Kiama (NSW) early next year.

    The projects are part of the Digital Regions Initiative and will be linked to the rollout of the National Broadband Network.

    The trials will focus on telehealth services for older Australians with chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease.

    Services available through the project include monitoring of wellbeing indicators such as blood pressure and glucose levels, home video consultations and healthy living coaching.

  • Australia: Broadband: A Rudd-led e-Revolution?

    After Saturday’s Labor victory, what’s next for the telecoms industry? It will be very interesting to see how the Government’s broadband policies are further developed — and, even more importantly, how they will be executed.

    This election put broadband on the national agenda; there aren’t many other countries in the world where this important element of national infrastructure has been so widely debated.

  • Australia: Budget benefits bush broadband

    Millions spent on local initiatives

    The federal government will pour $270.7 million into regional broadband incentives, two weeks after it attempted to use the funds for its National Broadband Network (NBN).

    The funds for the Australian Broadband Guarantee (ABG) will be tipped in over the next four years to provide Internet access solutions including satellite and wireless to regional Australia.

  • Australia: Building a national high-speed broadband network a titanic task

    The Rudd Government will be preoccupied with explaining the complications of emissions trading to voters for a long time yet. But Labor will also soon have to explain the practical details of another deceptively simple "big idea" it took to the election.

    Broadband Minister Stephen Conroy will have his hands full getting the NBN across the line That was the promised $4.7 billion public investment to ensure that Australia got a national high-speed broadband network. This certainly sounded good, bolstering Labor's claim to have a grip on the future in contrast to a government stuck in the past.

  • Australia: Bush GPs fear NBN price

    Rural doctors are worried they will have to pay more for high-speed broadband than health professionals in urban Australia.

    They are urging the government to ensure they don't, as fears grow that the Gillard government's post-election pledge of a uniform nationwide price faces a major challenge.

    As the government yesterday insisted the National Broadband Network would facilitate its e-health initiatives, the National Rural Health Alliance said it was crucial that the model used for postage stamps -- where a single price was used nationwide -- was applied to the NBN.

  • Australia: Clever Networks CDM-Net E-Health Project launch

    Remarks by Australia’s Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy

    It is my absolute pleasure to be here today for the launch of a project that demonstrates the digital revolution taking place in healthcare.

    Congratulations to Precedence Health Care, Barwon Health and all of the partners in this very impressive project.

  • Australia: Conroy gives rural ISPs guidance on bush broadband

    Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy has issued a new set of guidelines for ISPs servicing rural and regional Australia, on the back of the Federal government's decision to extend the Australian Broadband Guarantee (ABG) as part of last Tuesday's budget.

    "The Rudd government has announced that AU$270.7 million will be made available to fund the Australian Broadband Guarantee program until June 2012," said Conroy in a statement. "It is important that all Australians have equitable access to broadband, both while the network is being rolled out, and in those most remote areas that the new [fibre-to-the-node] network may not cover," he said.

  • Australia: Doctors ready for online consultations

    Australians can expect a rapid rollout of online health consultations when new Medicare tele-health rebates commence next July.

    Existing services will be expanded and new videoconferencing facilities built to boost access to doctors and nurses in the bush -- and also ease pressure in cities through innovations such as home care for the elderly, remote monitoring of chronic conditions and routine tele-health check-ups.

    And the Gillard government isn't waiting for the National Broadband Network to push the initiative, despite committing a further $4 million for telehealth trials at "first release" sites in NSW this month.

  • Australia: Federal CIO praises NBN possibilities

    Multiple NBN contracts among agencies to be avoided

    The National Broadband Network (NBN) has received further endorsement with Australian government CIO, Ann Steward, saying the project will open up “huge opportunities” for service delivery.

    Before being appointed federal CIO, Steward had worked on e-government projects in the UK and described her experience with a similar broadband network as “fantastic”.

    “What a great thing the NBN will be,” Steward said. “From my life in the UK and having worked with colleagues with an NBN-equivalent over there, it is fantastic.”

  • Australia: Federal, state and local Governments set national broadband priorities

    Framework released to ensure Australia’s use of broadband leaves the country domestically and internationally competitive

    Australian Governments of all levels have jointly released a framework to accelerate the development and use of broadband in Australia to ensure the country remains domestically and internationally competitive.

    The Framework for the collaborative development and use of broadband in Australia was released by representatives at the 16th meeting of the Online and Communications Council (OCC) in Melbourne.

  • Australia: Feds to deliver digital reform agenda within six months

    Conroy calls for cross-Government, industry cooperation.

    Cooperation between the various levels of Government and industry bodies will be required to drive forth digital economic reform, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has said.

    Speaking at the closing of the Realising our Broadband Future forum in Sydney, Conroy outlined the Government's plans for ideas and content generated in the two-day physical and virtual gabfest.

  • Australia: Free broadband will help the NBN's case

    Some of the major benefits to society from a ubiquitous broadband network will come from government services, including health and education. That means access to these services needs to be free, so everyone is able to make use of the channel, thus displacing other, more costly, ways of interacting.

    This isn't a new notion. Economist Joshua Gans raised it over a year ago at a Senate Select Committee hearing in Melbourne. He suggested the government provides free access to a basic internet service that included public services.

  • Australia: Government must establish more clarity on National Broadband Network

    With a focus on the broader socio-economic benefits of a National Broadband Network (NBN) the government has to establish more clarity in its trans-sector vision. There is a rather urgent need for an across-department approach. There is a trans-sector team operating from within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Australia, as there is a similar one within the White House but this now needs be followed up with further action.

    The next step should be the appointment of a powerful CIO/CTO who should be involved in identifying what Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) will be required to deliver these trans-sector services via the NBN. A detailed trans-sectoral e-strategies report should also be developed under his/her leadership. KPIs should be set for each sector and this hopefully will lead to innovative and competitive action from the departments in developing their own policies on how best to deliver their services via the NBN.

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