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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The pressing need of adopting a law on lobbying and introducing e-government were highlighted by the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, one of the most influential communities in the country, at a meeting with the parliamentary body on corruption combat.

Maxim Behar, chairman of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, underlined the importance of the timely introduction of online administrative services.

Boyko Velikov, chairman of the anti-corruption committee, hailed the idea and agreed that the electronic government must be introduced carefully so that it is not used as a tool for corrupt practices.

Maxim Behar officially handed to the leadership of the parliamentary committee on corruption combat a declaration on anti-corruption, featuring the commitments that BBLF members enter into, as well as recommendations to the government. The business leaders commit to fight corruption at the corporate level and not to tolerate any forms of it in their daily work with employees, partners and subcontractors.

"We have always been striving not only to make profit but to make it transparently. In this way every possibility for cases of corruption will be prevented," said Maxim Behar.

He stressed that clear-cut legislative framework is needed.

"Given the lack of a clear definition of what is lobbying and what is corruption, Bulgarians very often breach the law unawares."

The Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum suggested that the government establish an independent body to investigate cases of corruption in the state administration.

BBLF has over 190 members, mainly major Bulgarian and international companies. It is associated with The International Business Leaders Forum of The Prince of Wales. BBLF is the business association in Bulgaria promoting the values of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Quelle: Sofia News Agency, 08.02.2006

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