Heute 12

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Samstag, 25.01.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

BT: Bhutan

  • The Kingdom of Bhutan opens first government data center

    A small facility to help modernize the country’s public services

    The Kingdom of Bhutan has opened a 2,500 square foot (232 sq m) data center at the Bhutan Innovation and Technology Centre in the Thimphu TechPark.

    The facility, designed to Tier II standards, already has 22 government services running on it including civil registration and finance procurement systems. The services take up 60 percent of the current storage capacity of 50 terabytes.

  • All Bhutan on broadband

    With Daga and Gasa now on-line, the nation is set to embark on the age of e-governance

    All 20 dzongkhag administrations now have broadband internet access, with leased line connections being established in Dagana and Gasa yesterday.

    With nationwide administration broadband connectivity achieved, the government has achieved establishing a comprehensive intranet that will enable nationwide e-governance, at least in theory.

  • Bhutan government goes online

    The Bhutanese government has decided to bring public administration online. Department of information and technology (DIT) director Tenzin Chhoeda said that the online system will link every police station in the country with the ministry of home and cultural affairs.

    The system is expected to go online this year. DIT expects the move to make it easier to get, for example, a security clearance certificate, which is “an arduous affair today”; and an applicant’s information could be obtainable at the time of request within a single day.

  • Bhutan introduces telemedicine projects

    Have you ever gone to Bhutan? It is basically a landlocked nation in South Asia, located at the eastern end of the Himalaya Mountains and is bordered to the south, east and west by the Republic of India and to the north by People’s Republic of China but is known for exquisiteness concurrently. The nation is a perfect blend of modernization with its ancient culture and traditions and has been regarded as one of the most peaceful areas in the planet. Moreover, only in 2006 Business Week rated Bhutan the happiest country in Asia and the eighth happiest country in the world.

  • Bhutan: Central resource pool proposed

    To eliminate the need for all organisations to maintain ICT teams and thus lower costs

    As Bhutan heads down the information highway, the country’s information and communication (ICT) officers are made the “captains of the voyage” to create an informed society. The country’s 225 ICT professionals were given the task by the information and communication minister, Lyonpo Nandalal Rai, yesterday as they gathered in Thimphu for the first national ICT conference.

  • Bhutan: E-ralies to track bus services

    The Road Safety and Transport Authority (RSTA) will soon be launching an electronic registration and licensing information system (e-ralies), that will also make it possible to track the movement of passenger bus services in the country.

    “Say if a person wants to know the arrival time of a particular transport service, this system will make all the details available online,” said a spokesperson for the RSTA.

  • Bhutan: Enabling society, empowering a nation

    The prime minister yesterday presented a cheque of Nu 200M to G Raghavan of NIIT, India, to mark the start of the Total Solutions project that aims to enable and empower Bhutanese society in using information and communication technology (ICT).

    “It’s a very critical project with a critical role in shaping society,” said the prime minister. “It’s one of the projects that I’ve been extensively and intensively involved in since its conception.”

    Renamed as the ‘Chiphen Rigpel’, the five-year Nu 2.5B project, which is funded by the government of India, will be formally launched by the prime ministers of Bhutan and India on April 30.

  • Bhutan: Getting heads around e-governance

    2-day NIIT course for leaders from all walks of life

    The Nu 2.04B Chiphel Rigpel project to “enable a society and empower the nation” through information and communications technology switched on yesterday, with 18 leaders, including the heads of the executive, judiciary, the legislature, the army and cabinet ministers, attending a two-day course to understand what ICT can do for a society and e-governance.

    Despite the prime minister, Lyonchhoen Jigmi Y Thinley, the chief operations officer of the royal Bhutan army, Major General Batoo Tshering, the supreme court chief justice, Lyonpo Sonam Tobgye, in attendance, the opening was kept a low key affair.

  • Bhutan: Government goes online

    The government is investing in ICT to bring public administration online. It will make it easier to get, for example, a security clearance certificate, which is an arduous affair today.

    Department of information and technology (DIT) director Tenzin Chhoeda said that the online system will link every police station in the country with the ministry of home and cultural affairs. This will mean that an applicant’s information could be instantly obtainable at the time of request within a single day. It will go online this year.

  • Bhutan: Inching along like an e-snail

    The government will not achieve its target of putting online at least 75 percent of its services by this year.

    The government had targeted 2010 as the year when every one of its agencies provide at least 75 percent of all possible public services online, according to a July 2009 updated version of the Bhutan information and communications technology policy and strategies (BIPS).

  • Bhutan: Indian PM launches Nu 2.5B project

    The prime minister of India, Dr Manmohan Singh, formally launched the Chiphen Rigpel project yesterday at the National Assembly courtyard.

    The Nu 2.5B project, previously known as the ‘Total Solutions project’, is an ICT capacity building project, undertaken by the government of Bhutan, with financial assistance from the Indian government.

    The project, in its six components, will work over the next five years towards enabling e-governance, empowering teachers and taking ICT to schools, enabling employment skills, furnishing tertiary institutes with ICT training centres, reaching the unreached all over the nation, and managing e-waste.

  • Bhutan: IT deal to train 12,000 civil servants

    A Nu 2.7 billion deal has been signed between the department of information technology (DIT) and India’s leading IT training company, the national institute for information technology (NIIT).

    The agreement, signed in March, requires NIIT to provide funding worth Nu 2.7 billion to the DIT. NIIT is obtaining this fund from the government of India.

  • Bhutan: One per gewog target out of reach?

    Financial constraints put a question mark on this ambitious but important project

    A government objective of establishing community centres (CCs) in all gewogs by 2013 may not happen, it was revealed at the mid-term review of the ministry of information and communications (MoIC) on Wednesday.

    The department of information technology and telecom (DITT) informed the government that Nu 256M more was needed to complete the objective. The department’s director, Phuntsho Namgay, called it a “serious constraint” and a financial requirement that would have to be fulfilled for the objective to be completed.

  • Bhutan: Public services e-ready

    Government organisations can now offer on-line facilities on e-platform

    By 2010, obtaining a citizenship identity card, or a land ownership certificate may not take as long as, like some applicants humorously describe it, “after a pair of shoe soles are worn out.”

    With the launching of an electronic-platform (e-platform) yesterday in Thimphu, government organisations now have the capability of offering online public services.

  • Bhutan: Putting people first

    Key lesson of two-day training for top leaders

    That e-governance is first about people and then processes and technology was one of the understandings top leaders came to after attending a two-day “training” on how ICT can make Bhutan a knowledge-based society.

    “A knowledge society is about ideas and innovation; about bringing humans to the centre,” information and communications secretary, Dasho Kinley Dorji said in a presentation of Chiphen Rigpel, the project that aims to transform Bhutan.

  • Bhutan: Swiss help for ‘one-stop-shop’

    SDC pledges Nu 65M towards easing administrative burden

    The Swiss agency for development and cooperation (SDC) has committed about Nu 65M to improve public service delivery by the end of the current plan.

    The assistance will go into creating a “One Stop Shop” where a number of services can be availed at one place.

    “Bhutanese citizen should be able to come to one place and be able to sort different administrative matters at one place, instead of having to run to different offices asking for different forms,” said SDC’s east Asia division head, Pradeep Itty, who signed the agreement with GNHC officials yesterday in Thimphu. “This will shorten the time to sort out any administrative issues,” he said.

  • Bhutan: Taking ICT to the next level

    More than money and manpower, Bhutan needs political will to take ICT (Information Communications Technology) to the next level.

    Things may be moving fast in mobile technology, with the subscriber base reaching almost 170,000 since its launch in 2003, but the pace is slow in Internet and computer usage, according to the director of the information department, Tenzin Choeda.

    The total number of computers in the country is between 10,000 to 12,000 and most of it was with the government and corporations and in the urban areas.

  • Bhutan: Telemedicine yet to take off

    9 years and Nu 5.4m after introducing the project, there is not much to show

    Lack of government initiative, clear policy, and investment has hindered the success of Bhutan’s telemedicine project, a possible solution that could have alleviated problems for rural patients, like high rate of referrals to regional hospitals, caused by the chronic shortage of medical specialists in the country.

  • Bhutan: Towards hi-tech health care

    To address the shortage of medical specialists in the country, the health ministry on April 16 launched two telemedicine projects, where an expert from India can diagnose and advise on the complex case of a critically ill Bhutanese patient – all via Internet and through video conferencing.

    The prime minister Lyonchhoen Jigmi Y Thinley and the Indian ambassador to Bhutan Sudhir Vyas inaugurated the projects - SAARC telemedicine and rural telemedicine - during the ministry’s annual conference in Thimphu.

  • Bhutan: Who needs to know what and why?

    If you went to any government agency and told the officer there, “RTI is my fundamental right. Please show me all your files,” he would not do that. In all probability, he would throw you out of his office.

    For citizens to exercise this fundamental right, there has to be machinery or a process in place, through which they can exercise this right. The RTI act lays down the process on how to apply for information, where to apply, how much fees, if any, etc. Unless we have an act, an ordinary citizen will not have adequate access to information held by a public authority. Without access to relevant information, it is not possible for a common man to participate in a meaningful debate on political and economic choices available to realise his socio-economic aspirations.

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