Heute 297

Gestern 2657

Insgesamt 39841022

Dienstag, 11.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

TW: Taiwan

  • Avalue developing AI-based traffic management systems for use across Taiwan

    Taipei-based industrial computer manufacturing company, Avalue Technology is partnering with the Industrial Development Bureau at Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs to use its years of experience in artificial intelligence (AI) development in traffic management systems.

    With an increasing global demand for smart city technologies, Avalue will introduce its AI-based systems into the traffic management infrastructure of Taiwan’s fourth-largest metropolitan area, Taoyuan City and will subsequently implement integrated solutions into other cities across the country. Avalue will also seek opportunities arising from smart cities overseas under the Taiwanese Government’s New Southbound Policy for international cooperation and knowledge exchange, reinforcing the company’s existing smart city ideals of bringing technology closer to people.

  • Iveda Launches $1.5M Project for Utilus Smart Pole Deployment in Taiwan

    Iveda announced the launch of a $1.5 million project for Utilus Smart Pole technology in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, equipping the country’s largest harbor city with critical IoT infrastructure for smart city deployments.

    Utilus brings Iveda technology––including video surveillance, AI-based video analytics, IvedaSPS (smart power system), and IvedaPinpoint (location-based trackers and smart sensors)––together in a centralized platform, which is integrated into existing infrastructure for true smart city implementations. Utilus’ smart, multi-purpose poles will help Kaohsiung solve a myriad of urban challenges, from improving parking and traffic management and charging electric vehicles, to detecting and notifying officials about street flooding, all through real-time data and alerts.

  • Speeding Up Digital Transformation with Taiwan Excellence

    Taiwan’s Bureau of Foreign Trade, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and the Information Service Industry Association (CISA) invited six companies to present their latest innovations and shared the trend of AI solutions during the Taiwan Excellence’s forum.

    The pandemic has heightened the focus on digital transformation. Not only in terms of economic activities, but also in terms of our daily lives. By speeding up digital transformation, corporations will achieve growth and profitability.

  • Taiwan Combines Human, Artificial Intelligence for Agricultural Transformation

    Agricultural production is always prone to weather conditions, making the supply-demand imbalance the biggest pain point for farmers over the years. The improvements in agricultural production technology have helped farmers secure yield stability and quality in fruit and vegetable crops.

    However, the oversupply often causes a sharp fall in the prices of agricultural products, leaving farmers with nowhere to sell and a large number of fruits and vegetables to rot in the fields. In the end, they have to endure major crops and profit losses.

  • Taiwan ranks 8th in e-government survey by Waseda University

    Taiwan moved up two notches to place eighth in the 2013 world e-government rankings, according to a survey on how extensively and well governments are operating electronically, the country's Research, Development and Evaluation Commission said Friday.

    The rankings were the results of a survey conducted by Japan's Waseda University recently. The commission said that Taiwan shared the eighth place with Denmark, with a score of 83.52.

  • Taiwan’s Digital Bike Service Benefits Everyone

    It seems a simple bike-sharing service but Taiwan’s bike-sharing services are all powered by digitalisation. That’s what makes it run smoothly and organised benefiting even undergraduate students of Kaohsiung.

    According to the Transportation Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government YouBike 2.0 is the best choice for commuters and commuter students. Since the launch of its First 30 Minutes Free program on August 25, 2021, the service has received positive feedback, especially from students. Taiwan’s bike-sharing program allows students of senior high schools (senior vocational schools) and lower-level educational institutions to use the YouBike 2.0 rental service for free for the first 30 minutes.

  • Taiwanese electronic passport application fees set to drop in 2013

    Taiwanese citizens will pay less when applying for the country’s electronic passports in 2013 as the Legislative Yuan passed a first reading on fee reductions Wednesday, Focus Taiwan reported.

    Members of a legislative standing committee reached an agreement to cut the application fee for machine-readable regular passports from NT$1,600 ($55 USD) to NT$1,300 ($43 USD), starting next year. Additionally, the price of electronic passports valid only between three and five years, will be lowered from NT$1,200 ($41 USD) to NT$900 ($30 USD).

  • 30+ companies from the Taiwanese ICT industry now live on a virtual platform, describing how they are promoting their solutions for smart cities

    • “Smart City Taiwan 360Organized by the Bureau of Industrial Development (IDB) Taiwan, GSMA will showcase the technology of Taiwanese companies during Thrive Asia Pacific Event
    • State-of-the-art solutions related to IoT, 5G and Smart City will be showcased Of taiwan 3D immersive online platform that highlights Of taiwan technical competence
    • Smart solutions in the areas of mobility, governance, health or 5G within the framework of smart city stand out for their critical importance in society

  • Africa: Let’s stop the talk and walk the talk – Aliu

    Vice President Aliu Mahama has called for the early implementation of Africa's broadband infrastructure programme to enable the continent to deploy and exploit Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to facilitate development.

    "The expectations of the people on the Continent are continuously growing and it is high time we moved away from the conference declarations and other exhortations to the critical area of implementation," he said.

  • AU: Technology is making cities smart, but it's also costing the environment

    The Australian government has allocated A$50 million for the Smarter Cities and Suburbs Program to encourage projects that "improve the livability, productivity and sustainability of cities and towns across Australia".

    One project funded under the program is installation of temperature, lighting and motion sensors in buildings and bus interchanges in Woden, ACT. This will allow energy systems to be automatically adjusted in response to people's use of these spaces, with the aim of reducing energy use and improving safety and security.

  • Belize’s Digitized Transport System

    The Belize Motor Vehicle Registration and License System has been discussed in the media for a number of years to date. The project was designed in collaboration with The Republic of China (Taiwan) with the aim of centralizing Belize’s Transport System and streamlining a number of services, including driver and vehicle licenses, vehicular registrations, traffic tickets, and revenue collection through the digitization of records and implementation of new auditing measures.

    This week that vision came to fruition when the Ambassador of Taiwan, H.E. David Kuan-Chou Chen, handed over a new transport system at a ceremony held in Orange Walk which was attended by the Minister of Youth, Sports and E-Governance, Hon. Kevin Bernard, and Prime Minister Hon. John Briceño.

  • Building smart cities through 5G technologies, Public-Private Partnerships

    The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has highlighted the need for smart cities to leverage 5G technologies to improve public services, health, safety and sustainability due to its effect on the public’s mobility.

    From improving city management through e-governance, boosting business opportunities using artificial intelligence (AI) and the cloud, as well as helping create safer public spaces through smart cameras and police cars, smart cities are now a reality for many first-world countries and a model to emulate for developing nations.

  • BZ: One standard motor vehicle registration and license system to be implemented

    For the most part, the process of acquiring any form of driver’s license or vehicle registration has been anything but a uniform and cohesive process. Up until now, there were 9 different systems for the 9 different municipalities but since the latest Belizean-Taiwanese venture, all of that will change. The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has been the spearhead in this USD $2.8 million project. The project is a 4-year joint partnership on e-government so that the Belizean citizenry will be able to enjoy a more effective and efficient transport service.

    On June 8, 2017, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Taiwanese Ambassador, H. E. Charles K. Y. Liu, and Financial Secretary, Joseph Waight of the Ministry of Finance. The MoU is for the e-government initiative “Belize Motor Vehicle Registration and License System” (BMVRALS). The intent of the 4-year-project is to make the current, decentralized system one that will be integrated and centralized by the end of its two phases. The current systems work independent of each other leaving room for inefficient record management and data sharing. The new system will be implemented in the entire country to digitize transport services.

  • BZ: Taiwan donates USD $109,000.00 for ICT project

    The Embassy of the Republic of China (Taiwan) is pleased to announce that H.E. Ambassador Benjamin Ho has presented a cheque of USD 109,000.00 to the Central Information Technology Office (CITO) of the Government of Belize for the bilateral ICT Project on September 2nd, 2016. This 5-year project is budgeted at USD 1.82 million, with USD 1.5 million funded by the Government of the ROC (Taiwan), and the rest covered by the Government of Belize. The aim of this project is to pave the way to achieve e-government in Belize to benefit the government and the general public.

  • BZ: Taiwan helps Belize vehicle/drivers license system go digital

    Belize will soon have an electronic system for driver and vehicle licenses, as well as vehicle registration with a web portal to access information thanks to the efforts of the Central Information Technology Office (C.I.T.O.) and Taiwan’s technical mission in Belize, led by Ming-Cheng (Diego) Tsai.

    Two information and communications technology experts: Professor Shian-Shyong Tseng of Asia University in Taichung, Taiwan and Project Management Consultant/Software Engineer, Hsu En-Che, have been in Belize since last Thursday, meeting with Transport Department Director Crispin Jeffries and other authorities to determine Belize’s ICT needs in this area, and to advise on a way forward.

  • BZ: Taiwan to help Belize fully digitize

    To strengthen the close and cordial relations between Belize and Taiwan, the ambassadors of both nations met with ministers of each other’s government to discuss bond-strengthening measures and intentions for further cooperation.

    The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to Belize, His Excellency, David K.C. Chien, met with the Minister of Youth, Sports and E-Governance, Hon. Kevin Bernard, to discuss initiatives to pave the way for a modern, digital era in Belize. The ministry in Belize aspires to achieve 95% digitization of services. Together, the officials of the two countries discussed means for building e-governance in Belize and also how Taiwan could help Belize achieve such a goal. Those in the meeting showed particular interest in providing internet access to rural communities.

  • Chen envisions Taiwan as a `digital life island'

    President Chen Shui-bian yesterday vowed to safeguard the nation's leading position in the global IT industry and to turn the country into a "digital life island."

    He made the remarks during a speech at the 2007 IT Month organized by the Taipei Computer Association held at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, which opened yesterday and will run through Dec. 9.

  • China health groups want to work with Taiwan

    Health groups from the other side of the strait have expressed their interest in working with Taiwan on offering medical service through cloud computing, said local experts yesterday.

    The experts made the statement during a forum yesterday, organized by the Foundation of Taiwan Medical Development.

    During the news conference, a demonstration was held to showcase how cloud computing may have medical applications: databases of health and medical records of different races of people were uploaded to the Internet for download by hospitals, which can then design preventive care programs based on these databases.

  • China: New online public services in the offing

    The government is poised to launch a series of new online services on the Internet starting Dec. 1 to save people the hassle of making trips to public offices for certain needs.

    The measures are also taken to expedite the entry/exit procedures for some overseas Chinese to lure more of them to the island.

  • Cisco sets up smart city solutions demo center in Taiwan

    US-based Cisco Systems has teamed up with eight Taiwanese strategic partners to set up a demonstration center for smart city applications and solutions in northern Taiwan, seeking to join forces with the Taoyuan City Government, Taoyuan Aerotropolis and Asia Silicon Valley Development Project to build an IoT R&D cluster in the country.

    The center will showcase diverse smart solutions in security, energy conservation, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, architecture, transportation, environmental monitoring and conferencing presented by the partners, JetIT, LANtel Telecommunication, Synergies Intelligent Systems, e-Formula Technologies, Delta Electronics, MiTAC Information Technology, The Syscom Group, and HuaCom Systems.

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