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Samstag, 21.09.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Indonesia and South Korea have agreed to develop e-government on a mutually beneficial and non-interference basis, a spokesman said.

Indonesian Communication and Information Minister Tifatul Sembiring and South Korean Security and Public Administration Minister Yoo Jeong Bok signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on e-government cooperation in the presence of Vice President Boediono here on Thursday, the chief of the information center and public relations service at the Indonesian ministry of communications and information, Gatot S. Dewa Broto said.

Weiterlesen: Indonesia, South Korea agree to develop e-government

The Jakarta Construction Supervision and Regulation Agency (P2B), Indonesia will launch an electronic system to enable an online application of building permits.

The initiative is in a bid to curb the epidemic of building permit violations that have spread across the city’s five municipalities, said P2B Head I Putu Ngurah Indiana.

Developers and building owners have the tendency to avoid applying for a building permit properly due to its difficult and slow process they have to go through, he said.

Weiterlesen: ID: Jakarta to roll out e-application system for building permits

Indonesia’s Ministry of Home Affairs has revealed the progress of its Electronic Identification Card (e-ID) project — 110 million e-ID cards of nearly 173 million have been printed out. Of that number, 90 million cards have been distributed to citizens.

“By the middle of this year, all the e-ID cards must be distributed to all eligible residents so that the electronic data can be used for the upcoming 2014 elections,” said Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi.

He accepted that the government exceeded its 2012 targets for the e-ID card project with this progress.

Weiterlesen: Indonesia announces progress of national e-ID

The President’s Delivery Unit and several stakeholders launched a programme called ‘Regional Pilot Project’ which intends to promote openness and sharing of data between central and local government agencies as part of Indonesia’s commitment to the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments around the world to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.

Weiterlesen: Indonesia promotes pan-agency data sharing

The city administration of Jakarta, Indonesia will be launching a simplified electronic payment system in the city’s Bus Rapid System as part of its on-going efforts to develop an integrated public transport system.

According to Jakarta Vice Governor, Basuki T Purnama, the e-payment system, which is called e-Money or money card, is expected to improve commuting experience in the city by providing commuters with a fast and convenient way to settle payments in Transjakarta stops.

Weiterlesen: ID: Jakarta to launch e-payment system for public transport

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