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Samstag, 1.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Since 9 March 2010, the preliminary version of the guidelines for the Public Administration websites has been available on the website of the Italian Ministry of Public Administration and Innovation. An online consultation on the guidelines will remain open for two months on the dedicated online discussion forum.

The guidelines are aimed at all the Public Administrations of Italy. They intend to initiate a process for the continuous improvement of the quality of the public websites.

The key themes addressed in the guidelines are: the rationalisation of online content, the reduction of the number of public websites, the .gov.it domain name registration, the main features and elements of a public website, the processing of online data and public documents, copyright aspects, 2.0 web participation, and the core principles for website quality measurement.

The aim of the consultation is to give all the stakeholders the opportunity to provide their suggestions and comments, which will prove useful for the document's revision.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 30.03.2010

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