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Donnerstag, 16.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Italian municipality is working with micromobility provider Tier to deploy 150 e-scooters via mandatory parking zones as part of a one-year trial period.

Tier Mobility has announced it is introducing 150 e-scooters in the Italian city of Arezzo, Tuscany, to help boost sustainable transport options.

The company was the sole operator selected by the municipality of Arezzo and will provide the service for a one-year trial period. The 150 e-scooters are positioned in the 68 mandatory parking zones available in the city.

Designated parking spots

The service is only available to people over 18 years of age and an identity card must be verified to access it. Parking is allowed only in the designated parking spots for e-scooters, bicycles or in specific spots indicated in the Tier app. For greater safety, the driving speed is reduced to 6 km/h on the main roads of the city centre.

After finishing the ride, users will have to take a picture of their parked e-scooter to prove they are inside a designated parking area. Moreover, Tier reports a dedicated team will ensure the vehicles are orderly parked and safe for everyone.

“We are very proud to launch our service in Arezzo and to work hand in hand with the city to offer a high-quality service that guarantees order through mandatory parking zones based on the most advanced technology,” said Saverio Galardi, country manager for Italy at Tier Mobility.

“Our local team will ensure that e-scooters are carefully integrated in the city and focus on the safety of the riders and pedestrians, so that everyone can enjoy a sustainable way of moving around the city.”

In Italy, Tier is currently operating shared e-scooters in Rome, Milan, Bari, Parma, Modena, Reggio-Emilia, Trento as well as Arezzo. In some of these cities there are also e-bikes. Nextbike by Tier is currently operating in Bergamo. The micromobility provider reports more cities will follow this year.

Tier Mobility claims, following the recent acquisitions of nextbike and Spin, it is present in more than 560 cities and communities in 31 countries with a fleet of 350,000 vehicles making it the largest multimodal micromobility operator globally.


Quelle/Source: Smart Cities World, 02.06.2023

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