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Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute recently carried out a nationwide survey of 2,000 consumers and 1,000 physicians. The use and preferences for remote and mobile health services and devices of the consumers were noted.

PricewaterhouseCoopers presented the findings of the survey at the mHealth Initiative 2nd International mHealth Conference. The new report, titled “Healthcare Unwired,” looks into the changing nature of healthcare with wireless technology, remote monitoring and mobile devices.

The nascent but fast-growing market for remote and mobile health is reflected by the interest of the consumers. The survey also revealed significant business opportunities for organizations using consumer technologies. These could be used to support preventative, acute and chronic care.

Use of cell phones or smartphones to track and monitor their personal health can be an option, according to 30 percent of consumers surveyed. 40 percent of the consumers were ready to make an investment in a remote monitoring device.

Nearly 4 out of 10 consumers were ready to pay for a monthly subscription fee for a mobile phone application. Text and e-mail reminders would be sent by this application. These reminders would be for taking medications, refill prescriptions or to access their medical records and track their health.

The idea of remote healthcare was liked by fifty-six percent of the consumers. Also delivery of care through a mobile device was preferred by 41 percent. Use of remote devices to monitor patients outside the hospital was preferred by fifty-seven percent of physicians.

In a release, Daniel Garrett, head of health information technology practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers, said, "Remote and mobile technology is making it possible to move healthcare delivery outside the traditional settings of physician offices and hospitals to wherever patients are. It's bringing back the concept of doctors making house calls. New consumer-oriented business models and technologies are emerging.”

Garrett added that companies that will be able to integrate mobile health into healthcare delivery will be competitively well positioned. By helping doctors and their patients better manage health and wellness through mass personalization, companies will be able to create value in the health system.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Calvin Azuri

Quelle/Source: TMCnet, 10.09.2010

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