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Montag, 10.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

NEReg2Vote, the state’s online voter registration system has been nominated for a national award, says Secretary of State John Gale. The web application is vying for “Innovation of the Year,” one of six categories included in the 2016 StateScoop 50 Awards.

NEReg2Vote, launched by the Secretary of State’s office in September 2015, was the first part of the state’s online voter registration system to go online. The second part, managed through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), started in January.

Drivers who need to renew or order a duplicate license can update their voter registration information at www.dmv.nebraska.gov. Additionally, registration information collected at DMV offices is now electronically submitted to county election offices for processing.

To date, 60,558 online voter registrations have been submitted online. That number includes the following breakdowns:

  • 31,978 filed through NEReg2Vote
  • 28,580 filed through the DMV
  • 11,904 are brand new voter registrations (NEReg2Vote & DMV combined)
  • 45,896 updated voter registrations (NEReg2Vote & DMV combined)
  • 2,758 pending registrations (submitted, but still need to be processed by the counties)

“Most of the new voter registrations have been submitted through NEReg2Vote,” explained Gale. “But nearly an equal number of people are updating their voter registrations through both processes – the DMV and NEReg2Vote.”

The web application is available in both English and Spanish. It also features an FAQ page as well as a demonstration feature that walks users through how to submit their voter registration application.

“NEReg2Vote is available 24/7. Applications submitted online are more secure, faster and more efficiently processed,” noted Gale.

The StateScoop awards honor individuals, technologies and IT programs which work to make state and local governments more efficient and effective. Now through Friday, April 15, people can vote online for their choices in each category at http://statescoop.com/statescoop50/2016/vote/#about. Winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 4.

NEReg2Vote was developed by Nebraska Interactive LLC, an affiliate of National Information Consortium (NIC), which provides portal network management and online services to the state of Nebraska.

Nebraska Interactive, LLC, is owned by NIC Inc., a publically traded company based in Olathe, Kansas. NIC is the nation’s largest provider of eGovernment sites, services and secure payment processing.


Quelle/Source: Fremont Tribune, 06.04.2016

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