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Mittwoch, 15.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
All govt agencies can be accessed by anybody, anywhere, anytime using any type of mobile phone

Many government services and information can be accessed by a single and simple delivery system - the mySMS 15888.

Through this single SMS number, users can expect about 1,700 services to be available this year, said the Malaysian Administrative Modern­isation and Planning Unit (MAMPU) director-general Datuk Normah Md Yusof.

“Services provided by all government agencies can be accessed easily and directly by anybody, anywhere and anytime using any type or brand of mobile phone.

“This initiative, launched on July 31, 2008, serves to delight the rakyat by realising a principle of “1 Nation, 1 Government, 1 Number”.

“It is hassle free, no face-to-face interaction between the government agencies and citizens and it is reachable to all segment of the people,” she said.

The project has received several local and international accolades in 2009 including the Malaysia MSC APICTA Awards 2009 (Best of e-Government and Services), Malaysia inOvation Awards 2009 (Public Services Empowerment Through Mobility Innovation) and APICTA Awards 2009 (e-Government) in Melbourne, Australia.

“The response to the project is very encouraging. By Dec 31 last year, mySMS 15888 has been participated by 128 Government agencies covering the federal and state governments, local authorities and semi government agencies with 1,632 SMS services being offered, compared to 260 services on 31st December 2008,” Normah said.

She added that the SMS services have steadily increased since the launch and have become more comprehensive.

“There are 1.7 million people using the services with 4.7 million transactions being made compared to 575,000 transactions by Dec 31, 2008.

“At the same time, agencies are also sending their client news and alerts as a new media for announcement and advertising their activities,” she said.

A total of 7.1 million SMS announcements and alerts has been blasted from Government agencies to citizen including news on epidemics precaution such as on influenza H1N1 and campaign on road safety.


Quelle/Source: The Star, 19.03.2010

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