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Donnerstag, 2.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
To take place in Visakhapatnam on Dec. 14

The CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards instituted by the Computer Society of India's Special Interest Group on e-Governance and sponsored by Nihilent technologies has announced the final list of nominations for the year 2012-13. Into its 11th year the awards will be held in Visakhapatnam on December 14, 2013. The objective is to recognize and appreciate the efforts in successful achievement of initiatives for good governance using Information and communication technology (ICT).

The response to the awards has been tremendous year, with over 200 nominations received from all over the country, including the North East and Jammu & Kashmir and vying for recognition across four categories, ‘Award of Excellence', ‘Award of Appreciation', ‘Appreciation for Sustenance' and ‘Award of Recognition'. At the same time, there have been many newer innovations in projects that underscore the growing popularity of e-Governance in the country.

Harish Iyer, convener of the awards 2012-13, said, "The eleventh anniversary of the CSI-Nihilent e-Governance awards is special not only because it marks the beginning of a new decade, but also because it has brought with it several new measures aimed at the spread of knowledge. The release of CSI's special interest group on e-Governance's publications in the form of a CD is but one example of the new initiatives. The year is also special because it saw one of the highest numbers of nominations from all corners of the country."

Ravi Teja, VP - Global Consulting, Nihilent said; "That we are into the eleventh year of the award is a testimony to the fact that the award has grown from strength to strength. As we stride into the second decade of the initiative, we are confident that we'll see more and more projects and states planting what we'd like to call , the ‘seeds of eGovernance revolution'.


Quelle/Source: CIOL, 13.12.2013

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