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Sonntag, 19.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

According to reports, the Indian space agency is collaborating with the government to plan better e-government services in villages. They will provide access to high-resolution geospatial data generated from remote sensing satellites.

Uday Raj, Chief general manager for regional centers, said that ISRO and the ministry of Panchayati Raj are working together to create a high-resolution data ecosystem.

Raj added that they are trying to create geospatial products and services this time rather than just creating a separate database for government officials. The key benefit of these services is that it can directly comprehend into planning methodology at the root level. It will take around 2-3 years to complete the process.

The developed thematic database created for the first time will help the nation. However, ISRO is going to use their geoportal that is Bhuvan Panchayat V-3.0- for all their activities like data visualization, data analytics, automation reporting, etc. along with services that will benefit gram panchayat people

All these initiatives are part of the SISDP project, which has completed its first phase in 2016-17. ISRO further adds that all Indian states are part of this collaboration about using thematic satellite data. The National Informatics Centre is going to provide all the essential assets required for the project.

Believing the reports, the space agency ISRO will provide all the required data as a part of the project. It will cover climate data, geo-visualization standards, reports on area planning, activity planning, holding workshops, etc.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Karen Guffey

Quelle/Source: Techno Info Plus, 02.02.2020

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