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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bahrain eGovernment Authority (eGA) launched a blog section on its national portal for citizen engagement specifically on information security.

Citizens can visit the blog and communicate with Dr. Zakareya Ahmed Al Khaja, eGovernment Authority Director of Policies and Business Processes Re-engineering Directorate, as well as share comments and suggestions for any enquires related to the effectiveness of information security management strategies.

The blog will emphasize different topics covering: the citizens level of trust, and concerns on eGovernment services, the confidentiality of the data which is entered by the users through the eGovernment channels, the criteria and measurement used by the eGA to ensure the security and privacy, in addition to the cyber threats and security procedures the eGA employs to ensure a high-level of quality, protection as well as confidentiality in its integrated services.

The eGovernment Authority have received awards for its initiatives towards spreading awareness about online risk and fraud in addition to implementing international best practices in the field of information security.

Recently, eGA received an (ISO 27001) certificate, considered as an international quality criteria for information security protection. By this certificate, the Kingdom of Bahrain is the first country in the Middle East to receive an ISO certificate in the eGovernment sector.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Adrienne Valdez

Quelle/Source: futureGov, 13.05.2011

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