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Montag, 10.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
As part of the eGA's constant efforts to provide innovative eServices and meaningful programs on the occasion of Ramadan, the eGovernment has announced the launch of bundle of eServices under 'Ramadanyat' corner which consists of online services that aid the citizens during the holy month of Ramadan such as fasting timings, list of 'majales' in addition to Bahrain's Islamic events.

"eServices have been launched under "Ramadanyat" corner on the eGovernment Portal (bahrain.bh) and the Mobile Portal (bahrain.bh/mobile) aiming at providing various integrated and unified eServices that are needed by the citizen during Ramadan," said Mr. Mohammed Ziad Asfour, Assistant Director of Marketing and Awareness of the eGovernment Authority.

He added, "The main objective of creating such corner is to facilitate the information searching for the citizen and save his time and effort, in addition to interact with the community on all occasions."

Furthermore, "Ramadanyat" corner provides most important eServices that comes in line with the month of Ramadan, and are accessible through different eGovernment channels i.e. eGovernment Portal (bahrain.bh), the Mobile Portal (bahrain.bh/mobile), eServices Centers, eGovernment kiosks, and the National Contact Center (80008001), or through SMS (4949 Batelco, 88311 Zain).

In order to receive a text message with a list of open "majales", all you have to do is to send a code < Governorate>, for example: MAJ SO WED, and hence, citizen will receive an SMS with a list of the "majales" that are open on Wednesday and located in the South province. The Governorate codes are as follows: Capital (CA), Muharraq (MU), Central (CE), North (NO), South (SO), and the days of the week codes from Saturday to Friday are: (SAT), (SUN), (MON), (TUE), (WED), (THU), (FRI).

Moreover, the Islamic events in the Kingdom can be found on the eGovernment Portal or through SMS by sending the following codes: , for example: when sending SMS with the code RLG 7, you receive a table of the timings of preaching sessions that take place after the "Taraweeh" prayer on that day. You can use the same method by replacing (RLG) with (EMS) to find out the timings of fasting and breaking (Emsak & Iftar) for that day and the day right after.

For more information about "Ramadaniyat" eServices, citizen can browse the eGovernment portal bahrain.bh or the mobile portal bahrain.bh/mobile or visit the eGovernment stand in the Bahrain City Center which is going to be in service until the half of the holy month of Ramadan. The eGovernment also continue with its interaction with citizen through its Radio contest in the Arabic program "Dahawi Ramadan" which is broadcasted on Radio Bahrain 93.3 FM throughout Sunday to Thursday during Ramadan.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Siba Sami Ammari

Quelle/Source: AME Info, 06.08.2011

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