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Montag, 10.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The eGovernment Authority (eGA) of Bahrain will showcase over 200 services provided in collaboration with the governmental entities at the upcoming Gitex Technology Week in Dubai.

Gitex 2011 will run from October 9 to 13 at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The eGovernment Authority’s participation is backed by Bahrain Economic Development Board and 24 private organizations supported by Tamkeen, Bahrain’s labour fund.

The eGA will exhibit its prominent initiatives alongside its national projects and future plans, including multi delivery channels such as the National eGovernment Portal (bahrain.bh), the Mobile Portal, eServices Centers, the National Contact Centre and Self-service ekiosks.


Quelle/Source: Trade Arabia, 06.10.2011

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