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Sonntag, 9.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Bahrain has officially launched its National Authentication Framework (NAF) project (now known as eKey system) developed by CrimsonLogic, a leading provider of eGovernment solutions and services.

The first-of-its-kind system in Middle East that enables citizens to securely access government eServices was launched by Bahrain's Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Informatics and Telecommunication (SCICT), Shaikh Mohammed bin Mubarak Al Khalifa at the 5th Bahrain International eGovernment Forum 2012 held recently.

CrimsonLogic was commissioned by the Bahrain eGovernment Authority (eGA) in early 2011 to develop and implement the eKey system to provide a secure nationwide authentication platform that manages and safeguards citizens' identities across multiple service delivery channels, various ministries and agencies.

The eKey system enables each citizen to use a single authentication profile and login to access government e-services.

During the authentication process, there are three levels of security: password (PIN), smartcard and biometric (fingerprint) identity verification to ensure all citizens-to-government transactions are carried out in a highly secured environment.

'We wish to congratulate Bahrain on the successful launch of their eKey system and are honoured to be part of the country's effort to positively transform its government administration,' said Leong Peng Kiong, the CEO of CrimsonLogic.

'With the system now in place, it will help the Bahrain government reduce administrative operating expenses, enhance service-delivery efficiency and improve user experience,' he stated.

'This significant milestone is a strong testament of the Bahrain government's commitment and strategy to enhance government-to-citizen engagement, and also strengthened the country's competitive position in the region,' Peng Kiong added.

At launch, citizens can use their individual eKey (they have to first register their account on the Bahrain's eGovernment portal) to access services from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Human Rights and Social Development and Electricity and Water Authority.


Quelle/Source: TradeArabia News, 18.04.2012

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