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Montag, 10.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Kingdom of Bahrain added a new one to its work to track people with Covid-19 disease and to ensure their isolation. Bahrain will now track patients through smart wristbands.

Bahrain announced that it will monitor patients affected by the corona virus epidemic through electronic wristbands with the new service it commissioned. Bahrain Ministry of Health launched electronic wristbands that work in connection with the application it developed.

On 31 March, Bahrain launched its mobile application called “BeAware” developed with the focus of Covid-19. This mobile application, developed by Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA), is mandatory to use and awaits highly dissuading fines. Anyone who has been in contact with an active patient and quarantined must isolate himself and use the app. Thus, both the follow-up of the patients and the potential patients at risk are isolated from the application. Apart from these users, citizens who want to isolate themselves can also register for the application.

Electronic wristbands, which remain in communication with patients’ mobile phones via Bluetooth, start to give an alarm if the patient is 15 meters away from their phone. In short, even movements in a small room can be tracked thanks to the smart bracelet. The important point here is to ensure the isolation of patients and to minimize contact with the outside world. In case patients follow up with their phones, it is possible to understand whether patients violate the rules thanks to the application tracking mechanism.

As it is known, it was previously mentioned that Israel will implement a similar application in order to follow the positions and movements of citizens, but it has been subject to serious criticism by some circles. The problem here was that Israel developed this technology in order to be able to follow its citizens, not because of illness.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Leonard Manson

Quelle/Source: Somag News, 09.04.2020

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