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Montag, 10.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The Dubai Municipality (DM) has formed a committee to rapidly transform all its potential e-services to m-services.

This was announced by DM Director-General Eng. Hussain Nasser Lootah, who said the move was in execution of the initiative declared by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice-President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai

“Being one of the largest government organisations that renders almost 90 per cent of its services online, the municipality has an effective plan to integrate the entire services under one single app — like i-Dubai — to make it the smartest app available in the country,” said Marwan Ibrahim Nassir, the committee organiser, and head of the director-general’s Follow-Up Office at DM.

“We are really inspired by the initiative of Sheikh Mohammed and have already taken strong steps to proceed with the transformation process within the shortest time possible. Having more than 300 e-services being offered by different departments of the civic body, it is a big task to transform all services to mobile apps,” Nassir said.

“To make the transformations process easier and smarter, first and foremost, we would like to categorise the beneficiaries into five categories, namely, visitors, residents, citizens, business and government authorities,” he said.

“The IT team is expected to take about two-three months to complete the transformation of basic services focusing on public benefit and other services will be following gradually considering the priorities and requirements,” he added.

“The i-Dubai was a successful attempt by the civic body in the field of mobile services, as it includes a number of useful services such as Dubai Map, Panoramic Street View, i-Notification, Dubai Weathercast, Pharmacies on duty and Q-reader,” he explained.

“It is worth mentioning that the Q-reader app that helps the DM customers to send their feedback on services they received to relevant decision makers — which aims at enhancing services and performances of employees — is the first in the world. Definitely, our IT team has been working hard to come up with more surprises in the field of m-government services,” Nassir added.


Quelle/Source: The Gulf Today, 10.06.2013

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