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Montag, 10.06.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Jobseekers looking for a position in the government sector will now be alerted about vacancies via their mobile handsets, thanks to a new facility launched by the Civil Service Ministry in collaboration with Oman Mobile.

The ‘SMS Job Announcement Service’ is in line with the e-governance project that aims to digitalise knowledge and information for easy access and use, an Oman Mobile official said.

“Our cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Service gave rise to the job sms service,” Ali Mustafa Al Lawati, Oman Mobile’s Strategic Marketing Manager, said, adding: “This service provides subscribers with sms messages that contain information about job vacancy announcements in the public sector, including details about exam date and location, interview date and location, and final nomination status.”

The service is available through 90226 for all, both Hayyak post-paid subscribers and Mada pre-paid subscribers. They can avail of it by sending an sms with the letter ‘R’ for registration to 90226 and will be charged RO1. The registration lasts for six months and can be renewed.

A major benefit of the service “is that subscribers can even apply for a job directly by sms without having to do so in person,” Lawati said.


Quelle/Source: Khaleej Times, 03.06.2008

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