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Freitag, 3.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
E-Ukraine, the national programme designed to encourage the integration of information technology in the country was officially presented in Kyev at the Telecom and Internet 2003 this week. According to the E-Ukraine strategy document, the first step will be the total computerisation of all institutions financed from the state budget. The next steps will be the modernization of the country’s laws to bring them in line with the demands of an information society, and then improvement of the national telecom networks, and e-commerce and e-government implementation.

Mykola Hontchar, head of the State Telecom Committee, said that the programme must use all available resources, efforts and money more effectively than has been done in the past.

The E-Ukraine programme has a timetable stretching until 2010, and has a budget of E2.25bn (UAH12bn).

Ukraine Links

Quelle: europemedia.net, 05.04.2003

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