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Insgesamt 39838629

Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
On 21 October 2011, the Norwegian Ministry of Finance published the tax rolls for 2010. The Parliament decided that this year this information should be made accessible on the website of the Tax Administration - Skatteetaten.no - only, after logging on the authentication portal 'ID port/MinID' with one of the following eID solutions: MinID, Buypass ID or Commfides e-ID.

The tax rolls are records of a taxpayer's (natural or legal persons) name, year of birth (or year of creation for companies), zip code, city, taxation municipality, net income, net assets and assessed tax amount. The remaining information is not public. It is worth noting that the numbers are not necessarily final. For example, they may change as a result of an appeal to an assessment. The tax rolls are updated three times a year.

In Norway, one is allowed to look up in the tax rolls the information of up to 500 persons per month. When users do so, their identity and searches remain anonymous, and none of the information searched for can be saved.

Following the Parliament's decision, it will not be possible to access the tax lists from external websites such as the online one-stop public service centre Minside.no (My Page, in English) or Altinn.no (the reporting channel for businesses).

To access the tax roll search service at Skatteetaten.no, MinID users only need to sign in with their national identification number (Fødselsnummer) and their password. After doing so, they will be prompted to enter a code sent to them by SMS or, if they are not registered, they must enter a PIN code sent beforehand by the Tax Administration to their postal address.

MinID is Norway's most popular eID solution ever, with approximately 2.6 million MinID users registered so far. The solution has been used over 20 million times in 2011, compared to 14 million times during 2010. Despite a noticeable increase in the number of logins, during high traffic months there has been a decrease of nearly 30 % in the number of enquiries sent to the support services of the Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT - Difi, in Norwegian).

Large groups of the population now use MinID regularly and in various contexts; therefore, it is easier for them to remember how to use it. According to Hans Christian Holte, head of Difi, this seems to be due to the government's strategy to use the same login for many government services.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 28.10.2011

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