Heute 546

Gestern 802

Insgesamt 39838614

Montag, 10.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
In order to facilitate administrative simplification and to enhance transparency for the customers and the users of the patent system, the Luxembourgish patent data has been made available on the Internet via the site www.bibliopi.lu.

The search service of the Patent Register or 'Patent Status Base' is provided by the Intellectual Property Office ('Office de la propriété intellectuelle' - OPI, in French). It places information relating to bibliographic patent data at the public's disposal.

This information includes:

  • Applications for Luxembourgish patents (LU) and applications for supplementary protection certificates for medicinal products or plant protection products submitted after 1 January 1997;
  • Applications for European patents (EP) designating Luxembourg and submitted after 1 January 1987.

The Patent Status Base is updated on a daily basis.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 05.10.2010

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