Heute 700

Gestern 2657

Insgesamt 39841425

Dienstag, 11.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
The Water Management Administration (Administration de la gestion de l'eau - WMA, in French) has launched the inondations.lu website (in German) in an effort to inform the public in real time on the progress of floods in Luxembourg.

WMA, the government authority responsible for water protection and management, provides hourly updates on the water levels of the Sûre, Moselle and Meuse rivers on its website. When warranted, flood risk analysis, forecasting and flood control measures are made available on the portal. Furthermore, WMA disseminates flood risk and flood hazard scenarios via the national geoportal, and provides a map of flood zones.

The government has decided to grant solidarity aid to households, family farms and associations affected by the flood. Applications for obtaining social relief are available from municipal secretariats.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 03.02.2011

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