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Gestern 4554

Insgesamt 39858658

Sonntag, 16.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001
On 29 June 2011, the Health Ministry of Luxembourg and the Public Research Centre (CRP) Henri Tudor presented the first results of the eHealth projects that have been ongoing for the past two years as well as the concepts that will underpin the future eHealth platform and the related agency.

The Act on the reform of the health system that was adopted in December 2010 provides for the establishment of shared health records based on an electronic platform (eHealth Platform) and the creation of a national agency for shared information in the field of health (eHealth Agency). The first results presented at the event will serve as a basis for the services provided for in the aforementioned Act.

The presentations covered the following themes:

The association representing the hospital and clinics (Entente des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois - EHL, in French) nation-wide co-organised the event in order to inform the participants on how hospitals can integrate into the eHealth concept. The case study was presented by Christophe Nardin.

Related discussions will follow that will be held on 21 September 2011 at a workshop at the CRP Henri Tudor. They will be an occasion for attendees to go in depth into topics such as:

  • The architecture and security of the platform
  • Interoperability
  • The cross-institution identification of patients
  • Patient consent
  • The identification of health professionals, institutions, authentication and user authorisations

The registration form for the workshop of 21 September 2011 can be downloaded here.

Background information

The Government Council of Luxembourg adopted a National eHealth Action Plan at the end of 2006. The objectives of the plan include, among others, better data exchange/sharing between health professionals, so as to improve the quality and efficiency of healthcare and to better control health costs, by avoiding redundant tests for instance. The Action Plan is also aimed at raising patient awareness of the management of their own health by involving them further in their healthcare through the provision of pertinent information. The applications provided for in the eHealth Action Plan are being implemented gradually under a multi-annual programme. At the same time the follow-up and quality control of projects is placed under the responsibility of the Health Minister. In order to implement the joint electronic platform and consider the first applications, a feasibility study was launched in 2008.

Further information:


Quelle/Source: epractice, 20.07.2011

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