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The World Bank has concluded an open data readiness assessment in Botswana.

Open data will see government share non-sensitive data collected from its operations and make it available in readable form for commercial and non-commercial use.

The eight weeks assessment conducted with 53 interviewees has concluded that there is opportunity for technology start-ups, to develop datasets, among other benefits.

World Bank identified opportunities for cattle brands, government procurements and contracts, company register, weather data, published statistical tables as spreadsheets.

The World Bank said the country needs to form a small team to drive policy and practical implementation while quick action on easy datasets should be done to get developers mobilised.

Andrew Stott, senior consultant at the World Bank said open data could make a significant contribution to Botswana’s economic goals, helping to re-assert the country’s traditional democratic credentials.

“There is no fundamental reason why Botswana should not move quickly, it has good digitisation of current data and new leadership in e-government office,” Scott said.

Scott; however, said the project would need strong, visible and political support with strong, sustained institutional leadership across government.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Andrew MAramwidze

Quelle/Source: ITWeb Africa, 28.11.2014

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