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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Vice Chairman of the Council of Ministers Dr. Tulsi Giri said Thursday that the establishment of High Level Commission for IT (HLCIT) indicates the government's commitment to the development of ICT in Nepal and HLCIT would be the main engine to energize growth in this sector.

Dr. Giri made the remark while inaugurating Can- Infotech organized by the Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) at Birendra International Convention Center Thursday.

Speaking at the program, Dr. Tulsi Giri said that since the late 20th Century, the impact of Information Revolution, based on the availability and use of Information, has been instrumental in changing the world that we live in.

E-Commerce, E-government, telemedicine, and online education and banking are not only transforming the conventional society but are also creating new opportunities for socio-economic development and fostering public-private participation (PPP), said Dr. Giri.

He added that His Majesty's Government is working towards creating conducive environment where all the partakers- civil society, business sector, and government itself- will be able to reap the benefits of advancement made in the area of ICT.

Dr. Giri informed that the establishment of Telecenters in different parts of the nation reflects HMG's initiative to bridge the digital divide and to integrate the rural communities into the mainstream of digital revolution.

Different government Websites provides functional and administrative information of the government to ensure the transparency. The public procurement web portal can be taken as the best example, which shows the interaction between public and private sector said Dr. Giri.

Dr. Giri said that IT Park in Kavre has opened an avenue for foreign direct investment (FDI) as well as fostering of local IT companies.

With the rapid pace of globalization, Nepal also needs world-class ICT experts who are capable of serving segments of ICT related industries said Dr. Giri.

He further added that pervasive ICT infrastructure, global software standards, and effective ICT policies are also critically important to raise this industry.

Sharad Chandra Shah, Vice Chairman, High Level Commission for IT, HLCIT was also present at the ceremony.

Shah said that His Majesty the King himself has shown his keen interest in the development and promotion of ICT industry by participating in world IT summit held in Tunisia.

Shah said that we have potential to raise the ICT industry if we can utilize the opportunity. IT in Nepal has developed beyond expectation and the progress is still continuing.

Nepal has already a platform for ICT industry so we should not have to start from the beginning or re invent anything again, said Sharad Chandra Shah.

Shah thanked CAN for organizing such events that will not only boost the IT industries but also it will immensely boost the knowledge of young generation of Nepal among whom IT is very popular.

He further added that the IT park in Kavre will increase in promoting the ICT in Nepal and will also help to stand Nepal in an international IT arena and will create an environment for boosting the Foreign investment in the country.

Speaking at the program, Biplav Man Singh, President, CAN, informed that CAN is organizing two-day training by School Net Japan winter camp which is a wonderful initiation in ICT sector for co-operation between Japanese civil society and Nepali community.

Singh said that in this global forum, Nepal has also put forward some commitments towards information society and a landlocked country like ours can benefit from this globalization and now we have to think globally but act locally.

He further added that "we are very clever to make policies but seemed to be confused while implementing them, we have IT policy 2000 but have not been able to revive it since then."

He said that Nepal has its own IT park to use now but there is no rent rate and facility listed for a Nepali company, it is need of the hour to encourage Nepali companies instead of foreign ones.

Quelle: The Rising Nepal, 23.03.2006

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