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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

This Platform is vendor-independent, ensuring fair and democratic access to AI technologies developed in Europe, including generative AI and large language models.

The European innovation ecosystem EIT Digital has announced that the flagship European artificial intelligence (AI) project DeployAI is being brought to market to make AI solutions more accessible to the public sector and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

This platform is vendor-independent, ensuring fair and democratic access to AI technologies developed in Europe, including generative AI and large language models (LLM), and enabling innovation at large scale. By leveraging the latest advancements in AI technology, DeployAI aims to provide a comprehensive and trustworthy AI resource catalogue and marketplace, offering responsible AI resources and tools.

Trustworthy AI deployment in Europe

Backed by a €28m funding from the European Commission, the collaborative initiative is designed to shape the future of AI deployment in Europe and is focused on ensuring trust, ethics, and transparenc.

To ensure active stakeholder engagement, DeployAI will offer matchmaking services and an interactive landscape tool, facilitating collaboration and knowledge exchange within the European AI community.

DeployAI’s commitment extends to embedding the AI on Demand Platform (AIoDP) within the European AI ecosystem, fostering collaboration with entities such as European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), testing and experimentation facilities for AI (TEFs), data spaces, EuroHPC centres, and HPC/cloud/edge infrastructures and standardisation organisations. It will have a prominent role supporting the recently announced AI Factories and the GenAI4EU initiative, as part of the AI Innovation Package.

The CEO of EIT Digital, Federico Menna, said: “The DeployAI initiative perfectly aligns with our commitment to driving digital transformation and innovation across Europe. By leveraging the AI on Demand Platform, we aim to bridge the gap between cutting-edge AI technologies and their practical application in industry and the public sector.

“Together with our esteemed consortium partners, we are poised to make a profound impact on how AI is developed, deployed, and utilised across Europe, setting a global benchmark for excellence in AI.”

The project falls under the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Excellence unit of the European Commission. With 28 partners from 13 European countries and a mix of public and private organisations, DeployAI brings together diverse expertise and resources to drive the development and implementation of the platform.

“We are excited to unveil DeployAI and its transformative potential in driving the adoption of trustworthy and ethical AI solutions across Europe,” said DeployAI’s project coordinator Joachim Köhler, head of department at Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS. “With the AI on Demand Platform, we aim to democratise access to AI technologies, especially access to European GenAI models and tools to ensure the digital sovereignty in this strategic relevant technology area.”

The project coordinator is Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems (IAIS), Germany and project partners include: AALTO University, Finland: Aspect Partners, Germany; European Centre for medium-range Weather Forecast, United Kingdom; Convotis Services, Austria; Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A (OTE), Greece; Croatian Artificial Intelligence Association, Croatia; National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece; EIT Digital, Belgium; DIMECC, Finland; F6S Network, Ireland; Bruno Kessler Institute, Italy; Fiware Foundation, Germany; German AI Association, Germany; Hub France IA, France; Ionos SE, Germany; Light On, France; LuxProvide SA, Luxembourg; Science For You (SciFY), Greece; Silo AI, Finland; AI Sweden, Sweden; VDE – Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies, Germany; Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS), Greece; CSC-IT Centre for Science, Finland; Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Örebro University, Sweden; Technical University of Denmark – DTU, Denmark. The AI, Data and Robotics Association (ADRA) is an associated partner.


Quelle/Source: Smart Cities World, 28.03.2024

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