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Sweden tops the rankings of The Global Information Technology Report 2009-2010, released today by the World Economic Forum. The report highlights the key role of ICT as an enabler of a more economically, environmentally and socially sustainable world in the aftermath of one of the most serious economic crises in decades. Sweden is followed by Singapore and Denmark, which was in the number one position for the last three years.

“Sweden, Singapore and Denmark’s superior capacity to leverage ICT as an enabler of sustainable, long-term economic growth is built on similar premises, relating with a long-standing focus placed by governments and private sectors alike on education, innovation and ICT access and diffusion,” said Irene Mia, Senior Economist of the Global Competitiveness Network at the World Economic Forum and co-editor of the report. “The success of these countries underlines the importance of a joint ICT vision, an implementation, by all the different stakeholders in a society for a country to take full advantage of ICT advances in its daily life and overall competitiveness strategy.”

The report is produced by the World Economic Forum in cooperation with INSEAD, the leading international business school, within the framework of the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Network and the Industry Partnership Programme for Information Technology and Telecommunications Industries.

Published for the ninth consecutive year with an extensive coverage of 133 economies worldwide, the report remains the world’s most comprehensive and authoritative international assessment of the impact of ICT on the development process and the competitiveness of nations.

Under the theme ICT for Sustainability, this year’s report explores the many and diverse links between ICT and sustainability, in all its dimensions.

Networked Readiness Index 2009-2010 (Top 10)

Economy Rank 2009-2010 Rank 2008-2009 Change
Sweden 1 2 1
Singapore 2 4 2
Denmark 3 1 -2
Switzerland 4 5 1
United Staates 5 3 -2
Finland 6 6 0
Canada 7 10 3
Hong Kong SAR 8 12 4
Netherlands 9 9 0
Norway 10 8 -2

The Networked Readiness Index (NRI), featured in the report, examines how prepared countries are to use ICT effectively on three dimensions: the general business, regulatory and infrastructure environment for ICT; the readiness of the three key stakeholder groups in a society - individuals, businesses and governments - to use and benefit from ICT; and the actual usage of the latest information and communication technologies available.

The NRI uses a combination of data from publicly available sources, as well as the results of the Executive Opinion Survey, a comprehensive annual survey conducted by the World Economic Forum with its network of partner institutes (leading research institutes and business organizations) in the countries included in the report. The survey provides unique data on many qualitative dimensions important to assess national networked readiness.

“The Global Information Technology Report series and the Networked Readiness Index have contributed over almost a decade to raise awareness of the importance of ICT as a central tool in the design of policies aimed at increasing development and competitiveness,” said Soumitra Dutta, Roland Berger Professor of Business and Technology at INSEAD and co-editor of the report. “We are proud of the guidance that the report series may have offered to decision-makers and all relevant stakeholders across the world. We hope this year’s edition will once again provide a useful instrument and will contribute to focusing attention on the important role of ICT in building a better, fairer and more sustainable world.”

The cross-country analysis of the drivers of networked readiness provides useful comparative information for making business decisions and additional value to governments wishing to improve their ICT preparedness.

An update of the NRI is followed by specialist contributions written by academics and industry experts, exploring different aspects of ICT’s contribution to a more sustainable economy and world, including through improving environmental sustainability, broadband infrastructure and cloud computing. Furthermore, four deep-dive studies on selected national experiences in leveraging ICT for increased competitiveness are included: Spain, Ireland, Tunisia and China.

The report contains detailed country profiles for the 133 economies featured in the study, providing a snapshot of each economy’s level of ICT penetration and usage. Also included is an extensive section of data tables, as well as each indicator used in the computation of the Index.

The editors of the report are Soumitra Dutta, Roland Berger Professor of Business and Technology, INSEAD, France, and Irene Mia, Director and Senior Economist, Global Competitiveness Network, World Economic Forum.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Richard Elliott

Quelle/Source: World Economic Forum, 25.03.2010

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