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Samstag, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The Minister of the Interior, Taulant Balla, during his two-day official visit to Abu Dhabi, signed the agreement for the development of the "Smart City" project in several cities of Albania.

This project aims to increase security in the community, protect life, private property, and monitor road traffic.

This will be realized through a comprehensive technological solution system.

After the ceremony, Minister Balla said that the United Arab Emirates is the best example of excellence and high security standards in terms of traffic monitoring and public safety.

"The Memorandum of Understanding and cooperation that we have just signed is precisely about a large project, which will be extended to all the main cities of the country as a first step, then to be extended to the whole country in a phase the second with the aim of increasing public safety parameters through a monitoring system with cameras and radars.

The radars will be used mainly to guarantee road safety in all the cities where this project will take place, while the rest with cameras will increase public safety, but will also allow us to redeploy police forces from the streets for services. others, because it will be a 24-hour monitoring using the latest technology, including artificial intelligence as an important step towards a new system of monitoring and guaranteeing public safety", said the Minister of the Interior.


Quelle/Source: Sot News, 23.04.2024

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