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Donnerstag, 16.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Public and voluntary sector organisations and their suppliers have less than three weeks left to enter the e-Government National Awards 2006. Nominations need to be made by 9 October 2006.

The competition aims to recognise e-government services, public sector websites or IT developments which are improving citizen and business transactions with local authorities and other public sector organisations.

There are 11 categories, focusing on leadership and professionalism, shared services, education, central e-government excellence in citizen-focused online services, take-up of e-services and team work as well as local e-government excellence in strategy and efficiency.

Last year, the Anglesey Connected project project was a finalist in the category e-government excellence: Voluntary sector or other intermediary 2005.

Launched in 2003, the project organised by the Isle of Anglesey County Council is a broadband community network, which delivers wireless broadband internet access across the whole island, including schools, libraries, learning centres and public offices.

The awards will be presented in January 2007 at the Savoy Hotel in London. The awards are supported by the Cabinet Office e-Government Unit, the Office of Government Commerce, the Society of Information Technology Management and SOLACE.

Quelle/Source: Ping Wales, 19.09.2006

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