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eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

The howbusyistoon.com site was launched earlier this month and tells people what footfall is like on Northumberland Street and where they can find parking spaces

An online tool warning people if Newcastle city centre is too busy for social distancing could be expanded to other parts of Tyneside.

The howbusyistoon.com website was launched earlier this month and tells people what footfall is like on Northumberland Street, where there are parking spaces free nearby, and how difficult it will be to keep your distance from others while out shopping or socialising.

The government has now given Newcastle City Council, Newcastle University, and the NE1 business improvement group £67,500 to build on what the site offers – potentially allowing it to provide information about other shopping areas in the city such as Gosforth High Street, or more detailed data on issues like public transport availability.

Research is now set to be carried out into what information the Geordie public wants the site to offer so that they can feel more confident about going back to shops and restaurants at a time when it is safe.

Ged Bell, the city council’s cabinet member for employment and culture, said: “In the short time this website has been live it has made quite an impact and has become a popular tool for local people as they return to the city centre.

“It is a great example of how data can benefit everyday life, increase public confidence in a safe return to the high street and support economic renewal, which is obviously vital at this time.

“It is also a great example of Newcastle being a smart city and how this benefits everyone who lives here and visits.”

The website uses real-time data captured from cameras on Northumberland Street, which is updated every five minutes, and has traffic light alerts to tell visitors how high footfall is – with a red warning indicating that the city centre is busy and people should consider postponing their trip.

Adrian Waddell, chief executive of NE1 Ltd, added: “It is excellent to see this innovative idea developed in Newcastle receiving national recognition and essential development money.

“We are really looking forward to building on this work – initiated by Newcastle University’s National Innovation Centre for Data and Urban Observatory in partnership with the city council and with NE1.

“The important next stage is to find out more about how people want to use this information and adapt it so it is suitable for everyday use.

“The city centre economy is interconnected across all sectors and any measures that improve people’s confidence in using the city, including office workers, shoppers, students, and other visitors needs to be given every encouragement.

"Tools like How Busy is Toon can help build public confidence by allowing people to make informed decisions about when they visit the city.”

The Newcastle project is one of 11 to receive a share of an £800,000 government investment in innovative digital ideas across the country.

Local Government Minister Simon Clarke said that he wanted councils to “build on the rapid digital innovation” that has been needed to keep vital services running during the Covid-19 pandemic.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Daniel Holland

Quelle/Source: Chronicle Live, 29.07.2020

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