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Samstag, 27.07.2024
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Projects relating to AI, digital solutions and talent are among those agreed as part of the city-state and Chinese city’s joint smart city initiative.

Singapore’s Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) have inked eight memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with key partners from the Chinese city of Shenzhen and launched 14 new joint smart city-related projects.

They were announced at the 4th Singapore-China (Shenzhen) Smart City Initiative (SCI) Joint Implementation Committee (JIC) meeting.

Smart city collaboration

Eight MoUs were signed at the sidelines of the SCI JIC meeting in Shenzhen to promote collaborations in a range of sectors including artificial intelligence (AI), innovation and talent exchange.

The meeting, co-chaired by Singapore permanent secretary for communications and information, Joseph Leong, and mayor of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, Qin Weizhong, also introduced 14 joint projects in emerging areas such as AI and sustainability. Notable projects include the use of AI for logistics in e-commerce, green energy storage, smart rehabilitation care, and smart city solutions.

To-date, a total of 43 projects have been initiated and 29 MoUs have been signed at SCI JIC meetings.

“Singapore and Shenzhen share many complementarities given our focus on harnessing digital technologies for the common good, and our openness to new ideas and talent,” said Leong. “I am confident that the Smart City Initiative will continue to serve as an important platform to pursue collaboration in forward-looking areas.”

The SCI was launched in 2019 to build stronger digital and business linkages between Singapore and Shenzhen. The initiative focuses on three core pillars for collaboration in digital connectivity, innovation and entrepreneurship and talent exchange development.

The SCI seeks to create opportunities for Singapore-based enterprises to tap the Chinese market in the Greater Bay Area, and for Chinese companies to enter the Southeast Asian markets through Singapore.

In addition to the MoUs and joint projects under SCI, the Singapore-Shenzhen Smart City Demonstration Zone is a joint initiative that serves as a testing ground for pioneering smart city technologies and solutions. Four new projects were established in the zone, focusing on new-generation information technology, digital economy, low-carbon solutions, and biomedicine.

These projects aim to unlock innovative solutions and establish best practices in smart city technologies and drive deeper collaborations between Singapore and Shenzhen companies through knowledge sharing and talent exchange.


Quelle/Source: Smart Cities World, 02.01.2024

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