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Freitag, 3.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
The state government has appointed Ray Stevens as Assistant Minister to the Premier on e-government, and will establish an Open Data Reform Group.

The Queensland Government has named the Member for Mermaid Beach, Ray Stevens, as Assistant Minister to Premier Campbell Newman on e-government, as part of its aim to make data more accessible to the public.

It's hope that open data access initiatives will encourage the private sector to develop new services and offerings that could benefit the public.

In time, open access to state data will also make it easier for the public to appraise the performance of the government, according to Premier Newman

"In the past, governments have given away land to stimulate economic development," Premier Newman said in a statement. "Now, information is the new currency."

"Determining the data sets and statistics that are suitable for release, the best formats in which to release data, the appropriate timelines, and what legislative change is needed to promote the proper release and sharing of information is an enormous, important challenge that I'm sure Mr Stevens will relish."

An Open Data Reform Group will be created to facilitate the open access to government data.


Autor(en)/Author(s): Spandas Lui

Quelle/Source: ZDNet, 09.10.2012

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