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Insgesamt 39481576

Samstag, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

AG: Antigua und Barbuda / Antigua and Barbuda

  • AG: CTU continues 21st Century Government thrust in St Vincent and the Grenadines

    Following the successful launch of its 21st Century Government initiative at a Heads of Government Summit in Antigua and Barbuda in January 2018, the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) will be presenting, in a workshop in St. Vincent and the Grenadines in March 2018, a policy framework and guidelines for implementation of 21st Century Government.

    A 21st Century Government is one that makes effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to deliver services to its citizens, and its internal and external clients. It is characterised by citizen-centric, seamless, open, interactive, efficient and transparent processes. 21st Century Government will transform the public service, strengthen economic competitiveness and promote sustainable development. Many countries have been introducing electronic government (e-Government) services but the process has been very slow.

  • AG: Electronic transactions amendment passes Upper House

    The Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Bill 2016 was passed in the Upper House of Parliament yesterday, in just under eight minutes and without a word of opposition.

    Senate Majority Leader, Senator Lennox Weston described the short amendment as “some house cleaning” and briefly summarised its aim.

    “Basically … this is some house cleaning (and) window cleaning to make sure that when we use electronic data we can make sure it’s authentic. We have some flexibility in filing electronic data and it’s preparing us for when we go to an e government platform,” he said.

  • AG: Estonia and Georgia: Leaders in e-governance transformation share their expertise with the Caribbean

    When it comes to the Caribbean’s vision for 21st Century Government, Estonia is an excellent example of the possibilities for transforming governments and countries.

    With a population of 1.3 million, Estonia is ranked among the world’s top leaders in the development of e-government having 99% of its public services available online 24/7.

  • AG: Gov’t launches new ICT initiative

    Government is hoping the latest Information and Communications Technology programme launched yesterday will further cement this country’s position as a leader in ICT in the Caribbean.

    The Government Assisted Technology Endeavour (GATE) was unveiled and the programme is being hailed as a major development for the island.

    Only the ICT Cadet programme, which is the first component of GATE, was introduced and officials are confident that when the remaining modules are executed, Antigua & Barbuda will be taken to the next level of technological advancement.

  • AG: Government To Accelerate E-Government Strategy

    The Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Science and Technology will be making a number of advances in the New Year.

    Minister of State with responsibility for that Ministry, Senator Dr. Edomond Mansoor, says 2012 will be the year of electronic development.

    Minister Mansoor said government is committed to advancing the twin island state to a level where the country is more competitive in the area of information technology.

  • AG: Mansoor discloses final components of GATE projects

    Telecommunications Minister Dr Edmund Mansoor yesterday announced the remaining three major game changing multi-million dollar Government Assisted Technology Endeavour (GATE) projects to be achieved in a partnership with telecommunications giant Digicel.

    The components are – 4G Long Term Evolution (LTE) connectivity for government under the expanded E-Government drive; a multipurpose ICT training facility and special needs resource centre and; 6000 tablets (computers) for Antiguan & Barbudan students.

  • AG: Ministry of Information Launches GATE

    The Ministry of Information, will today launch the first component of the Government Assisted Technology Endeavour (GATE), a four-part ICT initiative that will positively impact all sectors of the society.

    GATE will ensure that Antigua & Barbuda maintains its dominant position as an ICT leader in the Caribbean, as the country becomes more advanced in the ICT and Telecommunications sectors.

    The first component of GATE is an ICT Cadet programme, which provides an opportunity for young people interested in working in information technology (IT) related fields to acquire technical skills, as well as to gain valuable workplace experience.

  • AG: New Online Business Opportunity Launched

    The Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, Science and Technology, in partnership with APUA, launched the “Connect Antigua and Barbuda Biz” on March 15 at the Precision Centre.

    Connect Antigua and Barbuda Biz was described as a multi-faceted, revolutionary ICT platform that will move small and micro-businesses forward in an environment without boundaries.

    Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer hailed the move as a project that is critical for the future development of Antigua and Barbuda.

  • AG: Online renewal of drivers’ licences comes onstream

    Residents are slowly warming to the idea that they can now renew their driver’s licences online.

    The initiative, which came onstream on January 1, forms part of the Antigua & Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP’s) e-government platform.

    Acting General Manager of the Antigua & Barbuda Transport Board (ABTB) Hubert Jarvis said a few people have registered and are utilising the system.

  • AG: Prime Minister Mitchell endorses 21st Century Government

    Prime Minister Dr. The Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell will deliver the feature address at the 21st Century Government Summit on 16th January 2018 at the St. James Club, Antigua and Barbuda.

    This Summit, organised by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), in collaboration with the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD) is the first activity of a programme for transforming the Caribbean public service, called 21st Century Government. Such governments will be characterised by citizen-centric, seamless, open, interactive and efficient processes and will make effective use of information and communication technologies to deliver services to its citizens, internal and external clients.

  • AG: Summit and symposium on 21st Century Government

    Government systems and processes that may have worked well before the digital revolution at the end of the 20th century, have now failed the tests of cost and time efficiency, productivity, transparency and competitiveness.

    The revolution in information and communication technologies (ICT) has provided an opportunity for governments to discard anachronistic operational methods in favor of modern technological solutions which enable seamless, integrated and streamlined access to information across the public sector. This is the vision of the 21st Century Government Programme.

  • Antigua and Barbuda has high Internet usage: survey

    Antigua and Barbuda’s e-Business Survey Report found that computer and Internet usage were widespread in the nation with an additional high concentration of their use for e-business.

    The two-month survey was conducted last year by the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Technology in collaboration with the Commonwealth Secretariat.

  • Antigua And Barbuda Implements E-Grip Project

    Antigua and Barbuda has received a grant in the amount of US $364,765 from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for implementation of the OECS Electronic Government for Regional Integration Project (EGRIP).

    The objective of EGRIP is to promote the efficiency, quality and transparency of public services through the delivery of regionally integrated e-government applications that take advantage of economies of scale.

    Karlene Francis, Project Manager for E-GRIP said the Regional E-Government Unit (REGU) of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Secretariat will be working with the Ministry of Information to improve quality services so that ultimately the government services will be available to persons 24 hours, 7 days a week.

  • Antigua and Barbuda Represented at e-Govt Workshop

    Antigua & Barbuda is being represented at a one week e-Government workshop in Singapore from June 20-24. The session will equip Asha Christian-Philip, special projects co-ordinator within the Ministry of Information, to learn frameworks for e-Government, strategic IT planning, and business process engineering.

    The training course, according to a government release, is intended to equip senior public sector managers working in public sector initiatives on national ICT planning and implementation, and on the introduction of e-Government in their respective countries.

  • Antigua and Barbuda: E-move towards full e-Government seeing strides

    The government’s commitment to moving towards full e-Government is already boldly manifesting itself.

    This is according to Minister of State in the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Telecommunications Dr. Edmond Mansoor.

  • Antigua and Barbuda: Full e-government moves closer to reality

    Government has moved a step further in forging collaborative ties with the Commonwealth Secretariat in the area of Information Communication Technologies.

    Minister of State with responsibility for Information, Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Dr. Edmond Mansoor, yesterday met with Devindra Ramnarine, advisor in Public Sector Informatics from the Commonwealth Secretariat’s Governance and Institutional Development Division.

  • Antigua and Barbuda: Government considers CUB partnership

    Minister of Finance, Dr. Errol Cort hinted last Friday that the government of Antigua & Barbuda will be engaging the services of Caribbean Union Bank to provide a more efficient payroll system and e-government support.

    Dr. Cort said he saw similarities in the progression of the Caribbean Union Bank and the government of Antigua & Barbuda – “shared vision, shared voyage and shared values”.

  • Antigua and Barbuda: Government’s ICT Programme a Success Story

    Prime Minister the Hon. Baldwin Spencer has hailed his government’s Information Communication Technology Programme as a success story.

    Following the presentation of the 2009 Speech from the Throne by Governor-General Dame Louise Lake-Tack, Prime Minister Spencer said that the programme we have pioneered since 2004 is tantamount to a revolution. “We have been able to accomplish great things that have never been done or tested in the region before,” he said.

  • Antigua and Barbuda: Govt commits to ICT sector

    Government is committed to heightening connectivity awareness in Antigua & Barbuda and to creating an environment for the harmonised development of Information Communication Technology (ICT).

    Minister responsible for Information Technology, Dr. Edmond Mansoor, said Antigua & Barbuda has seen an increase in access to telecommunication over the past year.

  • Antigua and Barbuda: ICT draft policies discussed

    Criticisms have been aimed against the focus of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Draft Policy held at the National Consultation last Thursday.

    The meeting was chaired by Senator Dr. Edmond Mansoor, minister of state responsible for information, broadcasting and telecommunications, Dr. Patrick Lay, director of Information Technology (IT) Centre and Delreo Newman, telecommunications consultant in the telecommunications division.

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