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Samstag, 27.07.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001

BM: Bermuda

  • Bermuda Monetary Authority brings in online applications system

    Businesses will be able to register in Bermuda online more quickly and easily thanks to a new automated e-filing and e-approval system launched by the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA).

    The new system, which was unveiled by the BMA yesterday, will upgrade the Island's existing process for company incorporations by improving the speed of processing applications, while maintaining the integrity of its application review procedures.

  • Bermuda startet RFID-gestütztes Verkehrsüberwachungssystem

    Der zum britischen Königreich gehörende Inselstaat Bermuda führt noch in diesem Monat ein von 3M entwickeltes RFID-gestütztes elektronisches Fahrzeug-Registrierungssystem (EVR) ein, mit dem der Verkehr auf den Straßen im Ferienparadies größtenteils automatisch überwacht werden kann. Alle PKW- und LKW-Besitzer werden verpflichtet, mit RFID-Tags versehene Plaketten an der Windschutzscheibe anzubringen. Zu den auf den Funkchips gespeicherten Daten gehören unter anderem Kennzeichen, Fahrzeugtyp, Modell, Herstellungsjahr, Farbe, Zulassungsjahr, Fahrzeug-Identifizierungsnummer, Datum der letzten Hauptuntersuchung sowie Versicherungsinformationen.

  • Bermuda: Government launches new digital mapping website

    Government has launched a new digital mapping website called Bermuda Maps.

    The site will allow people to see Bermuda from the air and to interact with map data.

    “People in Bermuda might not realise it, but they are most probably using GIS (also called Digital Geography) already,” said Designate Director of E-Government David Astwood in a press release on the launch.

  • Bermuda: Government to sponsor cultural change via the Internet

    THE E Government Portal will see a major cultural change in the civil service says Nigel Hickson E Commerce Consultant to the Ministry of Tourism, Telecommunications and E Commerce.
  • Bermuda: Govt. web portal revamped

    The Government yesterday re-launched its new, enhanced website, www.gov.bm, which it expects will get the public “online as opposed to in line”.

    The portal will act as a hub through which everyone, inside and outside of Government, can interact, in order to provide savings in cost and efficiency while making vast improvements in the availability of Government information.

  • Bermuda: Introducing: the Director of E-Government

    Government has announced a new position under the Ministry of Tourism, Telecommunications and E-Commerce – that of Director of E-Government. This position is in addition to the newly added Director of e-Commerce, which many may think would overlap significantly with e-Government.
  • Bermuda: New Internet site opens up Health Insurance Plan access

    An all-in-one website for Government Health Insurance Plan (HIP) holders was launched this month to make it "user-friendly".

    And the pension portion of the website will "go-live" shortly, according to Valerie Robinson-James, the Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health.

    Previously the social insurance site included the HIP claim forms, but with the more accessible site, Ms Robinson-James said the Ministry hopes to include the ability to submit claims, pay premiums and deal other administrative matters.

  • BM: Ticketless parking to be trialled in City of Hamilton

    The City of Hamilton is to test a ticketless parking system based on license plate recognition.

    The new system will be piloted at the Number 5 car park on Front Street next to Pier Six from tomorrow.

    It entails the placement of a small camera at the car-park entry and exit points that will recognise the front license plates and calculate how long the vehicle has been in the location before issuing a request for payment.

  • E-Ready: Bermuda Ranks In Top 25 Worldwide

    In the latest Economist Digital Economy Rankings, formerly known as the E-Readiness Rankings, Bermuda remains in the top 25 countries in the world. Bermuda ranked 22nd this year, down from 21st last year and received a score of 7.47 (out of 10) a reduction of .24 points from 2009.

    Minister of Energy, Telecommunications and E Commerce Michael Scott said: “I’m pleased to report that Bermuda has maintained our ranking in the top 25 countries in the world for maximising the use of ICT for economic and social benefits. We were also, by far, the smallest country in the top 25. The Department of E-Commerce continues to promote the use of Information Communication Technology every day, everywhere by everyone and which helps us to continue to feature in the top countries in an increasingly digital world. ”

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