Heute 294

Gestern 687

Insgesamt 39420448

Montag, 29.04.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • Weaving GIS into IT: One plus one equals three

    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) perform the functions of capture, management, analysis and representation of spatial information. Its value lies in being able to process data through time and space relative to location. IT systems integrate digital information within organisations for the purposes of sharing it. This includes e-mail, word processing, spreadsheet data and a host of other types of enterprise data. IT also monitors and provides security of data, speed of transmission, and an assortment of functions related to enterprise networking.
  • What Do You Think GIS in the Cloud Will Be Like?

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have evolved remarkably over the last 50 years. What began as a desire to perform mapping functions using computers, is now a collection of modules, functional capabilities and software programs all configured toward a system for handling geographic-based information. Recent trends toward software as a service as compared to products means profound change for both GIS professionals and the public who will engage geographic information in the future. What do you think GIS in the Cloud will be like?

    Whether or not you use the word Cloud, for the purposes of this column I am writing it with respect to the delivery of all functions of a GIS from distant computing centers. Imagine GIS in the Cloud. The entire, complete functionality and delivery of published geospatial and GIS work flows, and results, through the use of computers operating at distant locations. Data creation, data management, spatial analysis and visual representation - all Cloud propagated.

  • Zauberformel GIS hat großes Potenzial

    Geographische Informationssysteme entwachsen den Kinderschuhen. Aktuelle Studien stellen dem Geoinformationsmarkt ein exzellentes Zeugnis aus: Das Marktsegment gilt als innovationsträchtig und Fachleute bescheinigen ihm ein hohes Entwicklungspotenzial. Doch obwohl immer mehr Branchen auf Geodaten zurückgreifen wollen, stehen ihnen immer noch etliche Hürden im Weg.
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