Heute 1389

Gestern 4554

Insgesamt 39858855

Sonntag, 16.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

KZ: Kasachstan / Kazakhstan

  • Internet penetration at 70% in Kazakhstan: ASTEX-2014 in Astana

    Astana is hosting the international conference and exhibition ASTEX-2014 on May 19-20, Tengrinews reports.

    ASTEX is a platform for exchange of experience and discussion of communication market trends and technologies. The 2014 ASTEX focuses on e-commerce. In addition, the exhibition showcases the latest three-dimensional holographic imaging technology, virtual fitting room, 3D printers and other innovations of the global communication technology market. It is the second time ASTEX is held in Kazakhstan. It is organized by the Communication and Information Agency of Kazakhstan, national communication holding Zerde, and ICT Development Fund in partnership with mobile network operators Beeline, Kcell and Kazakhtelecom national company.

  • Kazakhstan ranked 39th in UN E-Government survey

    Kazakhstan was ranked 39th in the United Nations E-Government Survey 2018 with a very high level of E-Government Development Index. Kazakhstan’s E-Gov online service provided 30 million Government services in 2018, while the number of registered users exceeded 8.5 million people. Healthcare services are the most popular service on the website as Kazakh citizens used this service 70,000 times in just four months. The Government also focuses to create conditions for business development. Half of the 165 Government services provided exclusively online are licenses and permitting documents including subsidy permits. The Government is planning to add another 140 services online.

  • Kazakhstan to introduce mobile signature in 2015

    Mobile signature generated on a SIM-card will be introduced in Kazakhstan in 2015, Tengrinews reports. The service is being developed as part of the e-government project.

    Use of the mobile signature will be made possible on any smartphone. "Mobile signature generated on a SIM-card will allow receiving services regardless of the model of a mobile phone. One will only need to change the SIM-card," said the director of the department for the development of electronic services and CHS of Kazakhstan’s Agency for Communications and Information Ablaikhan Ospanov.

  • Tenge meltdown disrupts e-Gov and online shopping in Kazakhstan

    Today's devaluation of tenge in Kazakhstan has affected the work of the e-government website eGov.kz, Tengrinews reports citing the official Twitter account of electronic government in Kazakhstan.

    “In view of today’s news, rgw payment service on the website is temporarily unavailable. We will inform you when the service will resume its work,” the tweet said.

  • UN to help Kazakhstan develop e-government

    The UN will help Kazakhstan to develop its e-government, Tengrinews reports.

    Majilis [the lower chamber of Parliament] has approved the draft law "On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Kazakhstan and the UN on trust fund for technical cooperation" on October 1.

    As noted in the conclusion of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security of the Majilis, the purpose of the agreement is to build capacity in the field of e-government and public administration, and to popularise Kazakhstan's own e-government experience among developing countries.

  • 26% to learn computer skills by late 2009 in Kazakhstan

    The Agency for computerisation and communication of RK is planning to teach computer literacy to 26% of the country's population during 2007-2009. Aziza Shuzheyeva, deputy chair of the Agency for computerisation and communication of RK, has stated this today, July 19, at a round table "Development of the e-government of RK and Kaznet," Kazakhstan Today correspondent reports.
  • AI elements to be used by eGov.kz

    Artificial intelligence components will be implemented in eGov.kz portal of Kazakhstan, Minister of Information and Communications Dauren Abayev said at the Governmental meeting in Astana today.

    "Kazakhstan ranks the 39th in the UN E-Government Development Index in 2018. Meanwhile, by the level of maturity, our e-government system stands at eGov2.0 stage. Under the Digital Kazakhstan programme we are now taking measures to move to eGov3.0 level which has already been reached by the Republic of Korea, Australia, Singapore, Great Britain, Denmark, and Sweden. What does characterize eGov3.0 system? First of all, the implementation of elements of artificial intelligence, pro-active services, the internet of things etc." said the Minister.

  • Cabinet debated e-government formation in Kazakhstan

    Today Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Daniyal Akhmetov has chaired session dedicated to realization of State Program on Formation of “Electronic Government”, Kazinform refers to press service of the Head of the Government.

    Currently the first stage of e-government’s structure formation has been finished. Web-portal of e-government representing the whole spectrum of information services was installed within its framework.

  • Computer emergency response service to be created in Kazakhstan

    Computer emergency response service will be created in Kazakhstan (CERT, Computer Emergency Response Team), the agency reports citing the Agency of Kazakhstan for Information and Communications.

    "In connection with formation of the national information infrastructure, the computer emergency response service will be created to provide protection of the components of e-government at the Republican state enterprise of the center of technical support and analysis in telecommunications of Kazakhstan Agency for Information and Communications," the press service informed.

  • Drivers in Kazakhstan to pay bills by E-Government

    The Kazakhstan Road Police has applied an electronic service enabling drivers to pay fines through "electronic government" website, the Kazakh Internal Ministry reported.

    Last November the Interior Ministry in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Information developed a mechanism of payment through the "E-government" website.

    The traditional practice of paying fines foresees the necessity to stand in two lines - at a bank and the subdivision of administrative practice.

  • E-commerce market in Kazakhstan may reach $3.6 billion in 2015

    Experts predict that by the end of 2015 the volume of e-commerce market in Kazakhstan may reach $3.6 billion or 4 percent of the total retail market, the official website of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan reported citing Mirbolat Ayupov, the chairman of the National Info-Communications Holding Zerde.

    In 2013 the volume of e-commerce market reached $450 million-$600 million, which is about 2 percent of the total retail market.

  • E-Government of Kazakhstan provides 2,000 information services online

    "E-Government of Kazakhstan (www.egov.kz) provides 2,000 information services, 219 interactive and transaction service online," Transport and Communications Minister of Kazakhstan Askar Zhumagaliyev told the Government meeting today in Astana.

    "Kazakhstan ranks 46th among many countries in e-Government development index, 18th in e-Participation index. Besides, Kazakhstan ranks 22nd among 192 countries in the human capital," Zhumagaliyev said.

  • E-government to be introduced in Kazakhstan

    Kazakhstan will put into effect its "e-government" system in mid-April, head of Kazakhstan's Information and Telecommunications Agency Askar Zhumagaliyev said. Some 32 of the 34 state bodies and institutions already have their own websites, forming the infrastructure for implementing the e-government portal. The people of Kazakhstan can take advantage of the portal's interactive information services, such as obtaining tax declaration forms and licenses over the Internet, and online shopping.
  • Eurasian states may explore creation of a common digital platform for sharing solutions and best practices

    Countries of Eurasia including Russia and Central Asia may explore creating a common digital platform for the exchange of technological solutions, patents, and innovative ideas between the Eurasian countries. India, a leader in the digital world, may play a key part in this process.

    The idea was mooted by Kazakhstan's Prime Minister Alikhan last week (February 2) at the plenary session of the Digital Almaty 2024 Forum. The Indian Envoy to Kazakhstan also addressed the Forum.

  • First Fully 5G City in Kazakhstan to Be Founded in Turkistan

    The first 5G city, sponsored by Kcell, one of the country’s largest mobile network operators, and Ericsson, Swedish multinational networking and telecommunications company, will be set up in Turkistan – the capital of the Turkic world, reports inbusiness.kz.

    With their strategic agreement, Kcell and Ericsson intend to accelerate the development of 5G technologies in the country.

  • Geneva is interested in Kazakhstan’s e-government

    Kazakhstan took part in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) hosted by Geneva, Tengrinews.kz reports referring to the committee of information and archives of the Ministry of Culture and Information.

    At the forum Kazakhstan delegation took part in the exhibit for participating countries to demonstrate their achievements in the information society. Managers of Zerde National Information and Communication Group and National Information Technology company shared their experience in developing and launching the e-government.

  • Global Partnership for TeleHealth (GPT) traveled to Kazakhstan to meet with government officials

    On September 24th, Global Partnership for TeleHealth (GPT) traveled to Kazakhstan to meet with government officials and key business stakeholders discussing investment opportunities in healthcare and medicine. GPT was privileged to be one of only 100 invited guests and the only representation from the United States.

    The Astana-Health 2014 exhibition brings together over 15 countries to exhibit and discuss medical and healthcare investment opportunities around the world. With an emphasis on the investment climate of Kazakhstan and attraction of the Kazakhstani business leaders toward investing and implementation of healthcare projects, GPT was happy to present and demo our network and technology. Dr. Jeffrey Kesler attended this event and discussed how GPT technology and network capabilities encompasses not only the development of medicine in rural and underserved parts of the world, but also its connection to pharmaceuticals, education, and high resolution digital images that can be utilized for patient visits.

  • Good Governance Matters in Kazakhstan

    Good Governance Matters is the strapline of Nazarbayev University’s Graduate School of Public Policy. But what does “good governance” mean for the citizens of Kazakhstan? If Kazakhstan is to join the top 30 developed countries in the world as set out in the President’s 2050 Strategy, then having high quality public services will be key to achieving this. There are important signs that good things are happening in Kazakhstan in this regard.333472-2

    Consider, for example, the recently released global education report card entitled Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), the longest running, large scale international assessment of mathematics and science education in the world conducted amongst fourth and eighth grade children in 57 countries. These countries include developed nations such as Australia, Canada, England, France and the USA. The results are hugely encouraging, in that Kazakhstan school children ranked 12th in year four math and eighth in science. Compare this with Australia, where children of the same age ranked 28th and 25th, respectively.

  • Governance in Kazakhstan: improvements but could do better

    The World Bank Group has just published the latest governance indicators including how well Kazakhstan is performing. The picture over a 10-year period is a mixed bag. It shows that Kazakhstan has made significant improvements in government effectiveness which measures the quality of public services and improved capacity of the civil service. It also shows a marginal improvement in the control of corruption although progress is very limited given the time period involved. Finally, the latest figures show that voice and accountability, which measures freedom of expression, freedom of association, and a free media has become marginally worse over the decade.

  • Internet access expands in Kazakhstan

    Because more than half of Kazakhs use the internet, the government is moving more aggressively toward a complete slate of e-government offerings, according to a May 19 briefing to President Nursultan Nazarbayev, media reported.

    Askar Zhumagaliyev, Kazakh Minister of Transport and Communications, told Nazarbayev that the UN ranked the country 38th in terms of developing e-government and said the goal is to have all socially important public services available online, hopefully by the end of 2013, caspionet.kz reported.

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