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Sonntag, 16.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

US: Vereinigte Staaten / United Staates

  • USA:Nebraska Liquor Control Commission Offers Ability to Complete & Submit Monthly Statements Online

    New Service Improves Efficiencies for both Spirit and Wine Distributors and Liquor Commission

    Starting today, the Nebraska Liquor Control Commission is adding the ability to file required monthly wine and spirit statements to its suite of online offerings for beer, wine and spirit distributors. Previously, the only method available for distributors to file these required statements was via postal mail to the office of the Liquor Commission.

    This new service, available at www.nebraska.gov, joins the license renewals, tax payments submissions, and required monthly beer statement services already offered online by the Liquor Commission.

  • USA:New Licensure Service Web Site Available for Oklahoma Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologist

    Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologist Can Now Apply for and Renew a License Online

    The Oklahoma Board of Examiners for Speech Language Pathology and Audiology (OBESPA) have recently launched a new Web site and online licensure service which will serve more than 1,500 speech-language pathologists and audiologists in the state of Oklahoma. The new Web site is located at OBESPA.OK.gov.

  • USA:North Carolina:Health care providers say keeping electronic records will be good for your health

    Forget all those paper forms you have to fill out every time you go to a new doctor.

    One day, we’ll each have one medical file — electronic health records on a National Health Information Network accessible anywhere in the country by any medical provider with authorization to review those files. But just as sure as some readers of The Gazette are viewing this article on newsprint, the conversion to digital medical records has yet to be embraced by all physicians and patients.

  • USA:Online satisfaction with federal websites stagnates as White House struggles with implementation

    Citizen satisfaction with federal government websites has remained the same as in first quarter 2009, according to the second quarter 2009 release of the University of Michigan’s American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Satisfaction Index. The current quarter’s aggregate score is again 73.6 on the ACSI’s 100-point scale. The study is done four times a year.

    While it is good news that the E-Gov Index is stable after seeing a significant decline last quarter, it is notable that the Index has not yet rebounded. It could be that federal departments and agencies are in a holding pattern that is preventing an increase in website satisfaction and effectiveness. One possible contributing factor is that federal website leaders have not made improvements as they wait for direction from the Obama Administration that will affect their websites.

  • USA:Providers & Hospitals Can Now Access Consistent Health Insurance Coverage Information in Seconds

    New CAQH CORE Rules Dramatically Streamline Administrative Healthcare Data Exchange

    Healthcare providers and hospitals can now access in seconds consistent eligibility and benefits information required to verify patient health insurance coverage thanks to new standard business rules developed by the CAQH Committee on Operating Rules for Information Exchange (CORE).

  • USA:Runnymede Borough Council to Launch Webportal to Engage With Citizens Online

    Runnymede Residents to Have Online Interaction With Council Through Vignette-Powered Web Site

    Vignette Corp. (Nasdaq:VIGN) today announced that Runnymede Borough Council will replace its multiple Web, intranet and extranet sites with a single portal from the Vignette(R) V7 suite to better engage with constituents and improve efficiency across the council. The implementation of Vignette(R) Application Portal and Vignette(R) Builder also will help Runnymede Borough Council meet e-government deadlines to deliver online services defined by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM).

  • USA:SBA Launches Business.gov Web Site to Connect Businesses with Fed. Agencies

    The U.S. Small Business Administration today announced the launch of a Web site that will serve as the business gateway for U.S. businesses to connect with federal agencies, providing specific business tools and resources. Currently in its initial phase, Business.gov is a powerful Web site that will provide one-stop, online federal government information and services that businesses need and can access in one easy-to-find location.
  • USA:SBA simplifies small-business registration, launches database to verify info

    Beginning Jan. 1, small businesses will no longer need to register in both the Small Business Administration’s Pro-Net, a database of small businesses, and the Central Contractor Registration, the government’s database of all contractors.

    Instead, all contractors will register only in CCR, which is managed by the Defense Department. CCR will assume all of Pro-Net’s search capabilities and functions, and the Pro-Net name will be retired, according to SBA officials.

  • USA:Smart Card Government & Industry Members Form Physical Access Council

    Smart card government and industry leaders are forming a new Physical Access Council, created by the Smart Card Alliance as organizations worldwide implement new access control systems to improve security and more accurately verify the identity of individuals seeking access to physical facilities.
  • USA:SSA Business Services Online Site is Leader in Online Customer Satisfaction

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) Business Services Online website has received a top satisfaction score in comparison to the recent survey by the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) for E-Government. SSA's Business Services Online website (www.ssa.gov/bso/) received a score of 82, using the same methodology used by the ACSI, based on a 100-point scale. With this high score, the SSA Business Services Online site outperforms the aggregate score for federal government websites (72.6) by nearly 13 percent.
  • USA:State of Nebraska Web Site & Online Court Document E-filing Service Receive National Recognition

    Nebraska has again received national recognition for its official state Web site, www.Nebraska.gov. The Center for Digital Government has recognized Nebraska as one of the “Top 10” Web sites in the country. The Best of the Web awards rank the top U.S., state and local web portals, recognizing advances in digital solutions and communication with citizens, government, communities, and business.

    “We are committed to using technology to make government more efficient and make more services available 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week,” said Governor Heineman. “While much has already been accomplished, we must keep this momentum going to meet the challenge of serving our citizens and businesses today and in the future.”

  • USA:Survey finds errors aplenty on .gov sites

    In a recent survey of 41 federal Web sites, 28 of them coughed up some sort of bug within the first 15 minutes of a typical visit.

    Most glitches were application server and Web server errors such as blank pages, embedded content errors and the 500 server error, according to the survey by the Business Internet Group of San Francisco.

  • USA:Tennessee:Center for Digital Government Recognizes Services,Savings of Online Tax Administration

    Nominated by the Tennessee Department of Revenue, NICUSA, Inc., was awarded the 2009 Integrator Award by the Center for Digital Government for their outstanding partnership with the state to develop, maintain and expand the state’s suite of electronic tax services, online at www.TN.gov/revenue. NICUSA and the State of Tennessee collaborate to create TN.gov. The awards recognize public sector partnerships with private integrators that develop cost savings, consolidation and public access solutions.

  • USA:The key word for successful cross-agency projects: governance

    im Young wants agencies to put him out of a job. The associate administrator for IT and e-government for the Office of Management and Budget wants agencies to work out their problems without his office’s help, take away the burdensome process of developing memorandums of understandings and make it so funding is done without a second thought for cross-agency initiatives.

    Then again, this is not a new desire for OMB—it has been trying to institutionalize the governance process for the 25 Quicksilver projects and nine lines of business consolidation initiatives for parts of the last four years. And the effort is far from finished.

  • USA:Uncle Sam issues data-sharing standards for medical info

    The government has issued governmentwide standards for coding and sharing medical records.

    The standards, released last week and mandatory for all federal agencies, are the work of the Defense, Health and Human Services, and Veterans Affairs departments.

  • USA:Utah Department of Public Safety Launches New First-of-its-Kind Mobile Application for the Media

    Utah State Government Mobile Application to Change the Way Media Outlets Receive News and Information

    The Utah Department of Public Safety recently announced the launch of a new mobile Web application developed exclusively for communicating public safety-related news, information, and alerts directly to mobile devices used by media outlets. The mobile app will run in conjunction with the Public Safety Media Portal available on Utah.gov (www.Utah.gov), the state of Utah’s official Web site. Utah is the first state government in the nation to develop and release a mobile application of this kind.

  • USA:Virginia communities recognized for broadband, technology deployments

    The Intelligent Communities Forum (ICF), a global think tank that studies how broadband access affects economic and social development, launched its annual awards cycle Friday evening by announcing the ICF Smart21 Communities of 2010. Among the twenty-one cities worldwide, a handful of U.S. communities were chosen for their use of broadband and information technology in navigating the global recession.

    2010’s list includes cities large and small, from thirteen countries, in five continents. The average population of the Smart21 is 490,000, but as ICF Co-Founder Louis Zacharilla said during last Friday’s unveiling, “You don’t have to be big to be successful. Size doesn’t matter in the Broadband Economy.”

  • USA:West Virginia:High-speed Internet can bring opportunities, advances in education and health care

    Sen. Jay Rockefeller is certainly not new to the subject of broadband. He has been a key player in the fight to create a strong broadband infrastructure across West Virginia and the nation.

    During the past 10 years or so, Rockefeller has repeatedly introduced bills with tax benefits related to broadband, particularly in rural areas. Two years ago, he offered a big resolution on the need for a national broadband plan, and he has worked on various pieces of legislation related to the topic, a Rockefeller aid said.

  • USA.gov gets redesign to boost usability

    The General Services Administration last week unveiled a redesign of USA.gov, the federal government’s official Web portal.

    The site, which was launched early this year as a replacement for FirstGov.gov, provides a centralized place to find government information online. USA.gov lets visitors search for information on hundreds of government services, from checking tax refund status to contacting elected officials.

  • USA.gov, USDA lead the e-gov pack

    Federal portals USA.gov and the Agriculture Department received accolades as the most highly rated federal sites in Brown University’s eighth annual e-government study released this week. And Delaware and Michigan emerged as the states with the most advanced e-government portals and applications.

    A team of researchers from the Taubman Center for Public Policy at Brown University examined 1,548 state and federal sites. The researchers analyzed 1,487 state Web sites (an average of 30 per states), as well as 48 federal government legislative and executive sites and 13 federal court sites. The research team conducted its analysis during June and July.

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