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Freitag, 3.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Einführung elektronischer Behördendienste soll beschleunigt werden

30 Minister der EU, der EFTA und der Beitrittsländer haben sich am 7. und 8. Juli 2003 auf der zweiten europäischen Konferenz zu elektronischen Behördendiensten zu einer gemeinsamen Erklärung entschlossen, in der sie im Namen der italienischen Präsidentschaft konkrete Maßnahmen zur beschleunigten Einführung elektronischer Behördendienste vorschlagen. Die Minister forderten die Präsidentschaft ausdrücklich auf, ihre Erklärung bei der nächsten Tagung des Rates "Telekommunikation" vorzulegen.

Weiterlesen: EU-Minister fordern Einführung von Online-Behördendiensten

'In the Lisbon strategy, we have sketched out the future that all Europeans want to see. This is a future in which eGovernment will be a source for the competitiveness, integration and cohesion of Europe,' Italian Minister for Innovation and Technology, Lucio Stanca, told delegates attending the first day of the eGovernment 2003 conference in Como, Italy, on 7 July.

Weiterlesen: eGovernment: a key component to Europe's competitiveness, hears conference

Commission welcomes determination expressed by 30 Ministers to accelerate eGovernment

Lucio Stanca, Italian Minister for Innovation and Technology, today issued a ministerial declaration on behalf of the Italian Presidency, proposing concrete measures to accelerate the move to eGovernment. The declaration was agreed by the 30 EU, EFTA and accession countries Ministers attending the second European conference on eGovernment 7 and 8 July. Ministers were able to see for themselves the best of eGovernment practices already implemented in Europe and the benefits these are bringing to all concerned.

Weiterlesen: EU: Commission welcomes determination expressed by 30 Ministers

The European Commission says e-government has a role to play in the proposed new EU constitution

National e-government strategies should be brought together at the EU level in order to boost proposals for European citizenship and a common constitution, Erkki Liikanen, European commissioner responsible for enterprise and information society, said on 7 July 2003.

Weiterlesen: EU constitution 'needs e-services'

The "mindsets and rigidity of administrations" are the greatest barriers to implementing effective e-government, Erkii Liikanen, EC commissioner in charge of IT policy, said today.

Opening the EC's eGovernment 2003 conference today at Lake Como, Italy, the commissioner called upon politicians "at the highest level" to commit themselves to eGovernment and lead by example in overcoming internal resistance to political reform (so when will Tony Blair get his first email address?).

Weiterlesen: EC calls on political bosses to tear down e-gov barriers

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