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Digital Divide

  • 2012: India to be 97% broadband enabled

    Even as India is stepping into a future, which is poised to be digital across all platforms, a lot of questions face the media and entertainment industry. For starters questions like does India have the talent pool for digital content creation? Are the digital platforms able enough? In which year will digital content see a boom in India?

    Addressing the industry at the ASSOCHAM Focus conference in New Delhi, Planning Commission member secretary Raajeva Ratna Shah disclosed the 11th five year plan for 2008-2012. The plan is in keeping with digital content production and distribution in India.

  • 68% of Nigerian population not online – ICT Experts

    Information Technology experts have revealed that 68% of Nigeria’s population is currently still not connected to the Internet.

    The statistics was made public, on Tuesday, August 18 at the launch of Androidone held at Landmark Event Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos.

    MTN’s CEO, Mr. Michael Ikpoki, while launching the first of its kind collaboration between the telecom company, Infinix, Google, and online sale outlet, Jumia, said Nigeria, was yet to fully tap into the benefits offered by getting connected to the Internet.

  • Digital divide - Connecting everyone to the internet won’t solve the world’s development problems

    By 9.30am today I will have skyped Malawi, emailed Ghana, Facebooked Nepal, paid a bill online and used the satnav on my mobile phone. It feels a long time since we first got colour TV at home and, years later, when I accessed the internet using a dial-up modem. When I recalled these moments to my son he yawned. Aged, 19, he doesn’t remember a time before ubiquitous connectivity.

    According to a new report from the World Bank, more than 40% of the global population now has internet access. On average, eight in ten people in the developing world own a mobile phone. Even in the poorest 20% of households this number is nearly seven in ten, making cellphones more prevalent than toilets or clean water.

  • End-to-end ICT is vital for growth in Africa

    Information Communication Technology (ICT) opens up a huge range of potential in the business environment, delivering integrated solutions that actively enable the modern business. Previously disparate tools such as voice, mobility, video, broadcasting and data have merged to deliver powerful enterprise solutions that enable organisations to compete on a global scale, all driven by connectivity.

    From basic Internet and telephony to sophisticated cloud offerings, connectivity and communication are the heart of ICT, and central to delivering these services is the network backbone, enabling access for connectivity. While multiple undersea cables have landed on the African continent, providing the potential for high-speed connectivity, much of the population remains unable to access this, which is slowing business growth.

  • European institutions do their part to bridge the digital divide

    Last week, on 21 January, saw the first for the year meeting between representatives from the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the EU Commission dedicated to discussing and finding solutions for one of the major socio-technological problems today – that of the digital divide.

    The meeting itself was conducted virtually and involved those CoR members who conform a specialized Broadband Platform team, whose work is to generate ideas and opinions which are then presented twice a year to the Commission as a way of helping it in the formation of its relevant policies.

  • Kenya’s internet balloons could help to bridge the digital divide

    Kenya has, in partnership with Google’s sister firm, Loon, launched a fleet of 35 internet balloons that will provide internet services to remote areas of the country. This is the first balloon-powered internet to launch in Africa. Nixon Muganda explains how these will work and the opportunities they can bring.

    Q: How do internet balloons work and do many countries use them?

    Google’s internet balloons are wireless Internet connectivity towers that float in the stratosphere. They beam Internet signals to earth-based stations, which then transmit the internet to users through internet service providers.

  • Nordic nations dominate Europe's digital league table

    In February 2015, the European Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) ranked Denmark, Sweden and Finland at first, second and fourth place respectively in a list of the European Union's most digital nations, based on 2013 and 2014 data.

    Only the Netherlands could foil a Nordic 1, 2, 3 atop the list – and, as Norway and Iceland are not in the European Union (EU), they didn't feature.

  • Pocket answer to digital divide

    Much of the debate about the digital divide centres on getting computers into the hands of budding digital citizens in developing countries.

    But there are those who are looking to existing mobile phone technologies as the way to connect the world.

  • Smart Cities Tackling Tech Challenges: Cybersecurity, Privacy And The Digital Divide

    New information and communications technologies (ICTs) — including the internet of things (IoT) and advanced data analytics using artificial intelligence — have become essential tools for many city governments. Smart-city innovations are helping to boost efficiencies, improve infrastructure and confront urgent challenges — such as rapid population growth, social inequality and climate change.

    Yet, along with their well-documented benefits, new technologies are ushering in new risks and unintended consequences. Increasingly, cybersecurity, privacy rights and the gap between those who have access to new technologies and those who don’t — aka the digital divide — are receiving greater scrutiny. Getting the risk-reward balance right is key for citizens’ wellbeing.

  • Studie: Frauen in Entwicklungsländern bei der Internetnutzung benachteiligt

    Einer von US-Chiphersteller Intel in Abstimmung mit dem US-Außenministerium, dem internationalen Frauennetzwerk World Pulse und der UN-Organisation UN Women erstellten Studie zufolge werden Frauen in Entwicklungsländern beim Internetzugang benachteiligt. Die Studie “Women and the Web“ zeigt auf, dass Frauen in Entwicklungsländern durchschnittlich 25 Prozent weniger Zugang zum Internet als Männer haben. Die Kluft zwischen den Geschlechtern steigt in Regionen wie südlich der Sahara auf fast 45 Prozent.

    2200 Frauen in Städten und stadtnahen Gebieten aus den Ländern Ägypten, Indien, Mexiko und Uganda wurden für die Studie zu ihrer Internetnutzung befragt. Die Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen einer zweitägigen internationalen Arbeitstagung des US-Außenministeriums und der Organisation “UN Women“ vorgestellt.

  • ''Internet für arme Länder wichtig''

    Sagt Weltbank-Präsident Wolfensohn | Technologie und Wissen als Motor für soziale und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Bekämpfung von Armut nutzen
  • 'Free Wi-Fi Isn’t Enough to Impact Digital Inclusion in Kenya'

    Kenya is rolling out free Wi-Fi across various towns in the country, but this initiative may not be enough to ensure digital inclusion, says an expert.

    Counties such as Nakuru and Kisumu are in the process of putting up free Wi-Fi hotspots for their residents.

    Meanwhile, telecom player Orange Kenya is also helping to setup Wi-Fi services in various regions in the country. Orange, in turn, plans to support county governments with implementing e-security, revenue collection and management, e-health services and online education initiatives.

  • 'Many African Nations Have Challenges of Connecting the Unconnected'

    CISCO Systems, a transnational player in the ICT sector last week in Sun City, North-West Province of South Africa held its 2013 Expo, at which ICT journalists from the company's Africa operations were present. After a presentation, David Meads, Managing Director of Cisco Africa granted an interview to select journalists, in the course of which he said many African nations have challenges of connecting the unconnected. Adekunle Adekoya was there. Excerpts:

    Q: Tell us more about Cisco's "Internet of things, internet of everything," in the context of infrastructural challenges in the emerging markets you operate in?

  • ‘SmartCity Is Not So Smart’, Malta’s Blind Community Want To Make The Area More Inclusive And Environmentally Friendly

    The Visual Non-Visual Network (V.O.) has come up with a project to make Smart City more inclusive for blind people in Malta, while also turning the area into a greener space.

    “This project originated because our blind members were always curious to visit and understand what is Smart about Smart City. Eventually, we came to the understanding that there is nothing really Smart about Smart City,” the V.O. told Lovin Malta.

  • (N)Onliner-Atlas: 16 Millionen Deutsche sind überzeugte Offliner

    In Deutschland sind erstmals über 70 Prozent der Bürger im Netz. 48,3 Millionen Deutsche über 14 Jahren sind online, das entspricht 72 Prozent der Bevölkerung in dieser Altersgruppe. Das geht aus der zehnten Auflage des (N)onliner Atlas (PDF-Datei) hervor, den die Initiative D21 am Donnerstag in Berlin vorgestellt hat. Während damit fast drei von vier Einwohnern über 14 Jahren online sind, schwächt sich die Wachstumskurve weiter ab. Seit dem vergangenen Jahr sind 2 Millionen Internetnutzer hinzugekommen, was einem Zuwachs um 2,9 Prozentpunkte (Vorjahr: 4,0 Prozentpunkte) entspricht. Fast 19 Millionen Deutsche sind nicht online, 16 Millionen davon Offliner aus Überzeugung.

  • $55 Billion Committed to Connect Africa

    The Connect Africa Summit closed yesterday with investment commitments amounting to over USD $55 billion, with the ICT industry taking the lead.

    President Paul Kagame of Rwanda set the tone at the outset, saying, "Investment and trade -- as opposed to aid and charity -- must drive the transformation of our economies." He called for a dynamic ICT sector to connect Africa to the global information superhighway. "In order to realize this much-needed economic revolution, we have to forge productive relationships between government and business," said Kagam

  • 30% of Irish adults have never been online

    According to an EU Commission study, 30% of Irish adults have never been online.

    The study showed however that some sectors of Irish industry are ahead of EU averages for ICT use.

    It also revealed that EU spending on ICT research is less than half of US levels.

    By 2020, the European Commission wants all households to have access to high-speed broadband, as part of its "Digital Agenda". By 2015, all patients could have access to their online medical records wherever they are in the EU.

  • 75% of Maltese have broadband internet access in 2011

    For many people today it seems difficult to live without the internet, however a decreasing, but still non-negligible, part of the EU population has never used it. In the EU27, almost three quarters of households had access to the internet in the first quarter of 2011, compared with almost half in the first quarter of 2006. The share of households with broadband internet connections more than doubled between 2006 and 2011, to reach 68% in 2011 compared with 30% in 2006. During the same period, the share of individuals aged 16-74 in the EU27 who had never used the internet decreased from 42% to 24%.

    These data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, represent only a small part of the results of a survey on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) usage in households and by individuals in the EU27 Member States, Iceland, Norway, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. As well as internet use and broadband connections, the survey also covers other indicators such as e-commerce, e-skills and e-government.

  • Africa: Africa Must Invest More in Telecommunications

    The 'Connect Africa' Summit that took place from 29 - 31 October 2007 ended in Kigali, Rwanda with a commitment of US$55 billion to investment and trade in Africa's emerging economies.

    The chief of media relations and public information of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Sanjay Acharya told Highway Africa News Agency (HANA), that the ICT industry takes the lead of those commitments.

  • Africa: Bridging the digital divide

    Africa has begun a critical approach to address the digital divide between her and the rest of the world.

    African Information, Communication and Technology experts, Governments, civil society, youths, the media, private sectors gathered in Accra last week to explore ways of bridging the ICT divide. Experts, meeting at African Regional Preparatory Conference of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), in Accra, deliberated on the need to revolutionise the ICT sectors in Africa and bridge the digital divide.

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