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Saturday, 8.02.2025
Transforming Government since 2001

Digitaler Ausweis

  • USA: State bolsters passport security

    The State Department has declared that electronic passports will be safe from identity thieves.

    The department has decided to adopt metallic shields and is seriously considering “basic access control” as a further means of preventing the skimming of personal data stored on a passport’s chip.

    One form of basic access control under consideration is to imprint data on a passport’s machine-readable zone. The data would exchange an algorithm with a reader at the border station, which in turn would unlock the chip embedded in the passport.

  • USA: State tells lawmakers biometrics will ensure identity

    A digital photograph and contactless chip for electronic passport implementation would ensure the identity of the person carrying the document, a top State Department official said yesterday in testimony before Congress.

    Facial imaging is the first generation of biometric identifiers, and is consistent with International Civil Aviation Organization standards, said Frank Moss, deputy assistant secretary of State for consular affairs. Moss made his statement during a hearing of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Economic Security, Infrastructure Protection and Cybersecurity.

  • Wirtschaft setzt digitalen Ausweis durch

    Universal Card mit Ausweis, Bank- und Jobkarte wird verhandelt

    Die Einführung digitaler Ausweise steht offenbar kurz vor dem Durchbruch. Das "Bündnis für elektronische Signaturen", das die Wirtschaft mit der Politik gegründet hat, hat das Thema auf die politische Prioritätenliste für 2005 gesetzt, berichtet Hermann Josef Lamberti, Vorstandsmitglied der Deutschen Bank und Gründungsmitglied des "Bündnis für elektronische Signaturen" laut einem Bericht des Fachinformationsdienstes 'Expert's inside' des Süddeutschen Verlags.

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