Smart cities built on digital technologies are having a profound effect on the real estate world and buildings as we know them are changing. And there is good reason to: according to the UN, by 2030 two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities, and Dubai has the opportunity to lead the way through state-of-the-art smart city initiatives. So, what has changed already and what further changes can we expect to see?
I envision a world where homes and workplaces will become tailored to the way we now live and our digitally-empowered daily routines. In Dubai, the smart cities initiative has already seen city infrastructure begin to transform, using digital solutions and tools to address civic issues like public services, parking, street lighting, utilities and resource management via smart meters and we are now even seeing plans for autonomous vehicles for mass public transport. But in real estate, residential housing and commercial offices, developers are going to see growing demand for smart homes and offices - for developers this is an opportunity to add value through smart solutions and services.