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Donnerstag, 16.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001


  • BD: Easy Access to Public Services - Govt to develop 100 apps

    The government will develop 100 apps to ensure easy access to public services and to information on social safety programmes, women’s safety, agriculture, health, education, old-age allowances and paying utilities over the internet through smartphones and tablet computers.

    Officials said 1,000 ideas, 700 individual and 300 group, would be collected from ministries, directorates and departments and the apps would be developed under a Tk 8 crore Mobile Apps Development Project the ICT ministry launched in October.

  • BD: Govt starts collecting ideas for mobile apps development

    The government has begun collecting ideas regarding public services from its directorates and departments to develop mobile applications (apps) to provide such services to people, official sources said.

    The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has already received 20 ideas about women development issues, including healthcare tips, poultry farming for women and safety issues, from the Department of Women Affairs at a function last week.

  • BeAware Bahrain' App now offers COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Results service

    A new option on the 'BeAware Bahrain' app will allow users to upload photos of their COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test results to be submitted to Health Ministry, announced the Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA).

    The service is in line with directives issued by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, to maximise the use of technology to respond to COVID-19.

  • Behörden-Termin per SMS

    Als erste Behörde in Deutschland bietet das Bremer Ortsamt Horn-Lehe seinen Bürgern die Möglichkeit, per SMS einen Termin für den Behördengang zu vereinbaren.

    Die Bewohner des Bremer Stadtteils Horn-Lehe können jetzt mittels SMS ihre Amtsgeschäfte planen und müssen sich nicht mehr auf lange Wartezeiten bei einem Behördengang einstellen. Ermöglicht wird die Einrichtung des Service durch die Software SAM. Bürger, die diesen Service nutzen möchten, schicken eine SMS mit ihrem Wunschtermin (Datum, Uhrzeit) an eine bestimmte Mobilfunk-Nummer, SAM schickt automatisch per SMS eine Terminbestätigung oder gegebenenfalls einen Terminvorschlag, falls der gewünschte Termin bereits vergeben sein sollte.
  • Beim Händeschütteln Daten austauschen

    Was momentan noch völlig abwegig erscheint, soll vielleicht schon bald Realität werden – zumindest wenn es nach den japanischen TK-Unternehmen NTT und NTT Docomo geht. Die beiden Firmen arbeiten daran, die Leitfähigkeit des menschlichen Körpers zum Informationsaustausch zwischen elektronischen Geräten zu nutzen.
  • Berlin plant ab 2007 Handy-Ticketing

    Spätestens Anfang nächsten Jahres sollen Fahrgäste in allen 43 Bus- und Bahnbetrieben des Verkehrsverbunds Berlin -Brandenburg (VBB) ihre Fahrkartemit dem Handy ordern können.

    Die technischen Voraussetzungen seien vorhanden, sagte der Geschäftsführer des Verkehrsverbundes Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB), Hans-Werner Franz. Statt zur Verkaufsstelle oder zum Automaten zu gehen, könnten Fahrgäste ab 2007 Einzeltickets oder Tageskarten nach vorangegangener Online-Registrierung über eine Kurzwahl anfordern. Der Kaufpreis wird anschließend per Handy-Rechnung abgebucht. Eigentlich habe der VBB die Einführung zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft vorgesehen, was aber an der Verzögerung bei den Mitgliedsfirmen gescheitert sei, so Franz.

  • Berlin stattet Verwaltungsbeamte mit mobilen Geräten aus

    Der Berliner Senat, das Heinrich-Hertz-Institut sowie die IVU Traffic Technologies AG haben gestern einen Kooperationsvertrag über die "mobilen Bürgerdienste" unterzeichnet. Ziel des Projekts ist es, sämtliche Verwaltungsvorgänge möglichst aller Berliner Ämter auf eine einheitliche Plattform zu stellen und diese nicht nur online in den Bürgerämtern, sondern auch mobil anzubieten. Dazu erhalten Sachbearbeiter mobile Endgeräte, mit denen sie überall dort, wo Bürger behördliche Dienstleistungen benötigen, diese vor Ort regeln können.
  • Berlin: Behördengänge: Handy-SMS verkürzt die Wartezeit

    In den Berliner Bürgerämtern soll es schon bald keine langen Warteschlangen mehr geben: Das Fraunhofer Institut für Nachrichtentechnik erarbeitet mit der Senatsinnenverwaltung derzeit ein so genanntes Warteschlangen-Management, wie die "Berliner Zeitung" berichtet.
  • Berlin: Mobiles Bürgeramt erfolgreich - Bezirke erwägen Ausweitung

    Das mobile Bürgerbüro wird zu einer Erfolgsstory. In Spandau und Pankow gibt es Pass und Führungszeugnis auch auf der Straße. 1500 Berliner ließen sich bereits vor Ort beraten. Innensenator Ehrhart Körting (SPD) lobte das Pilotprojekt. "Das ist der richtige Schritt in die Zukunft", so der Senator. "Die Verwaltung kommt zum Bürger und ist vor seiner Haustür zu erreichen."
  • Berlin: Neuer Pass vom Markt - Mobile Bürgerämter werden ausgebaut

    Nach erfolgreichem Start im November vergangenen Jahres werden die Mobilen Bürgerdienste in Berlin ausgebaut. Innensenator Ehrhart Körting (SPD) gab am Mittwoch grünes Licht für die zweite Phase des weltweit einmaligen Pilotprojekts, bei dem Mitarbeiter der Behörden ihre Amtsstuben verlassen und zu den Bürgern gehen. Mit diesem Service können auch auf Märkten, in Krankenhäusern oder Schulen Wohnungen umgemeldet, Pässe verlängert oder Führerscheine ausgestellt werden. Ziel des bereits mehrfach ausgezeichneten Projekts ist mehr Bürgerfreundlichkeit.
  • Berliner Autofahrer lösen Parkschein per Handy

    Anfang Februar beginnt in Berlin als Alternative zum Parkscheinautomaten ein auf zwölf Monate begrenztes Projekt "Handy-Parken". In der City-West können dann Kraftfahrer per Mobiltelefon Parkscheine lösen, wie die Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung mitteilte.
  • BH: CSB launches updated smartphone apps

    The Civil Service Bureau(CSB) said it has launched a new update for its smartphones application "Government Employee" which provides more electronic services to employees of government entities as well as those interested in following up developments of civil service law and regulations.

    The application was launched in cooperation with the Information and Informatics and eGovernment Authority and includes a new package of services required by the employee in the Governmnt sector.

  • BH: eGovernment Authority launches mobile payment services awareness campaign

    The eGovernment Authority has recently launched summer awareness campaign at the Bahrain City Center that will continue until August 2011 to facilitate public online payment for government transactions through the mobile portal (www.bahrain.bh/mobile), which is a mobile version of the National eGovernment Portal and one of the main eService delivery channels, namely: the National eGovernment Portal (Bahrain.bh), eServices Centers, Self-service kiosks, as well the National Contact Centre 80008001.

    This comes in line with its initiatives in raising awareness and promoting ePayment facilities.

    "The Kingdom of Bahrain enjoys a high mobile penetration rate among most age groups," stated Mr. Mohammed Ziad Asfour, Assistant Director, Marketing and Awareness Directorate at eGovernment Authority.

  • BH: Government Applications Store offers 26 Applications early 2014

    eGovernment Authority Vice CEO Dr. Zakareya Ahmed Al-Khaja announced the details of the Government Apps Store which was announced by His Excellency Mr. Kamal Bin Ahmed Mohammed, the Minister of Transportation during the opening ceremony of MEET ICT 2013. Dr. Al-Khaja pointed out that the store currently provides 21 applications with a plan to increase the total number of apps to 26 by the beginning of 2014 based on the eGovernment strategic objectives as one Key performance indicator is to launch 10 new mobile apps annually until 2016.

  • BH: iGA launches Government Directory mobile app

    The Information and eGovernment Authority (iGA) has launched the Government Directory mobile app, on the eGovernment Apps Store at bahrain.bh/apps, which provides a comprehensive set of officials’ contact details, along with government entities locations and social media accounts.

    In this regard, Mr. Mohammed Abdulaziz Acting Director of eServices & Channel Enhancement at iGA stated that the app is part of the direct government communication series with citizens and residents, as it provides contact details of senior public officials – ministers, deputy ministers, undersecretaries, chief executive officers, advisors, directors and acting directors. Such initiative is in line with the wise leadership directives which constantly stresses the open door policy with the public. Mr. Abdulaziz also highlighted that the mobile application comprise contact details of nearly 700 employees from 55 entities.

  • BH: Information & eGovernment Authority announces jump in government app August & eservices

    Government digital transformation efforts are proceeding at breakneck speed, as reflected by the quarterly eServices statistics report, which recorded a 20 fold surge in government mobile application usage available in the eGovernment App store bahrain.bh/apps , compared to the same Five-month period last year.

    Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) Deputy Chief Executive of Electronic Transformation, Dr. Zakareya Ahmed AlKhajah revealed that the report, covering the months from April to August 2020, also found that more than 800,000 government transactions were processed through all channels, with online payments exceeding BD 57 million across all digital channels.

  • BH: Key apps store for phones launched

    The eGovernment Authority's app store for mobile phones and tablets was launched yesterday by Transportation Minister Kamal Ahmed.

    The store is a unified window featuring all government e-Services as downloadable applications on Google's Android and Apple's iOS platforms.

    The launch was announced during the inauguration of the MEET ICT 2013 conference by the minister at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre.

  • BH: New mobile app to help drivers

    Bahrain's traffic department has taken a major step towards offering all of its services online.

    It has teamed up with the e-Government Authority to launch a mobile application that could save motorists the hassle of suffering notorious queues.

    The plan to go digital is expected to be fully up and running within three years and will save the General Directorate of Traffic in Riffa hundreds of thousands of dinars a year.

  • BH: New public service package launched

    eGovernment Authority (eGA) yesterday unveiled a package of public services to the list of e-services presently provided through the National Contact Centre (NCC) on 8000 8001, one of the delivery channels of eGovernment services.

    The number of services has now reached 47 - available to be carried out fully via the telephone, on a 24x7 basis, eGA chief executive Mohammed Al Qaed said.

    Mr Al Qaed added that the centre is looking at expanding the base of its services and increasing the number of governmental entities which provide services through the centre.

  • BH: New store to launch 10 apps every year

    The newly-launched Government Apps Store will have 26 applications by the beginning of next year and 10 new mobile apps will be launched annually until 2016, a top official has said. eGovernment Authority vice chief executive Dr Zakareya Al Khaja said the store currently provides 21 applications.

    Dr Al Khaja said a number of applications were developed by the eGovernment Authority in co-ordination with the related entities, and others by the relevant public entity.

    He said the usage of applications has grown.

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