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Donnerstag, 16.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
On 11 May 2011, the National Monitoring Centre for Electronic Health Records (Osservatorio sul Fascicolo Sanitario Elettronico, in Italian) was set up with the purpose to streamline the healthcare system.

"The creation of a permanent monitoring centre for electronic health records became necessary," said Tonino Pedicini, Director General of the National Cancer Institute and newly-elected coordinator of the National Monitoring Centre, in order to monitor the various initiatives currently being implemented or started by the health authorities of the various Italian regions. The aim is to harmonise and to direct such initiatives in line with the 2010 guidelines of the Ministry for Regional Affairs. These guidelines state that the electronic health records are to be made available throughout the country by 2012 which will greatly improve healthcare, thus enabling quick and effective intervention in the case of emergencies and the immediate assessment of patients by healthcare providers, in addition to sparing the health system substantial resources.

Weiterlesen: IT: Country-wide monitoring body for electronic health records established

The website of the Italian Health Ministry now includes a new section that is dedicated to the theme of eHealth.

The eHealth section of the site is under the responsibility of the Ministry's General Directorate of the Informational System, and it contains information on the main eHealth initiatives conducted in Italy and promoted by the health ministry, as well as in Europe.

Weiterlesen: IT: Health Ministry website now has an eHealth section

In diesen Tagen geht die Verteilung der rund 400.000 Gesundheitskarten an die Südtiroler Bevölkerung zu Ende. Dank eines Chips wird die Karte zur Bürgerkarte Südtirol, dient also als Schlüssel für den Zugang zu den Online-Diensten der öffentlichen Hand. Damit sie als solcher funktionieren kann, muss sie allerdings aktiviert werden, was ab heute (7. März) in den Gemeinden möglich ist.

Sicher: Die Chipkarte, die in den letzten Wochen an alle Südtiroler verteilt worden ist, dient als Gesundheitskarte, sie dient als Nachweis der Steuernummer und als internationale Krankenversicherungs-Karte. Die eigentliche Neuerung ist allerdings ihre Funktion als Bürgerkarte, die die Kommunikation des Bürgers mit der Verwaltung auf gänzlich neue Beine stellen wird, dient die Bürgerkarte doch als digitaler Zugangsschlüssel zu den Online-Diensten der Verwaltung. „Die Bürgerkarte ermöglicht demnach einen direkten Kontakt zwischen Bürger und öffentlicher Hand, und zwar ohne dass ersterer sich in die Ämter begibt, also Anfahrt und eventuelle Wartezeiten in Kauf nehmen muss“, so Informatik-Landesrat Roberto Bizzo.

Weiterlesen: IT: Südtirol: Bürgerkarte: Heute geht’s los – Lesegeräte werden ausgegeben

On 14 April 2011, Italian Minister for Public Administration and Innovation Renato Brunetta unveiled at a press conference the new portal for Italian citizens, www.lineaamica.gov.it. The portal makes it possible for citizens to reach the Public Administration through a single 'virtual door', to benefit from easy-to-use and fast services.

The new website is intended to serve as another pillar of the 'good administration' model for the provision of government services to citizens. It will use the back office and the successful experience of 'Linea Amica', the multimedia contact centre to promote government services. That service was launched in January 2009 at the initiative of Minister Brunetta and implemented by FormezPA, an organisation placed under the authority of the Department of the Public Service. During its two years of operation, Linea Amica positively answered half a million requests and placed online over 1 100 government department response centres which dealt with approx. 122 million requests.

Weiterlesen: Lineaamica.gov.it - The new portal for Italian citizens

The Italian region of Puglia will make the use of open source software and open standards mandatory for its public administrations. A law, adopted on 2 December 2010 by the regional administration, instructs regional and local public administrations to use open formats for the electronic dissemination of documents and, wherever possible, to use free and open source software.

According to the law, public administrations will have to explain why they are using document formats that are not open, or why they are using applications that are not open source.

The bill is intended to increase the electronic interaction between citizens and government, aid the region's scientific and technological development and maximise the amount of software published as open source by public administrations.

Weiterlesen: IT: Puglia region makes open source and standards mandatory starstarstar

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