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Freitag, 17.05.2024
eGovernment Forschung seit 2001 | eGovernment Research since 2001
Under new policies and initiatives from its Ministry of Communications, Italy is turning to Wi-Fi and WiMAX to make broadband Internet access more universally available throughout the country. First, on October 4th, the Minister for Communications, Mario Landolfi, issued a new decree which extended the availability of Wi-Fi -- already being used in airports, train stations, shopping centers and city parks -- to the whole country.

Weiterlesen: Italy Aggressively Pursues Wi-Fi and WiMAX

Italian internet users use more e-government than other European net surfers: moreover, central government offices are actually creating traffic in the net. Such data - reported in a survey performed by Audiweb-Nielsen/Net-Ratings - shall be presented today by Innovation and Technology minister Lucio Stanca at the ComPa in Bologna, the European exhibition of public communication.

Weiterlesen: Stanca: Italy largest user of E-Government in Europe

Italy has just placed orders for $15 million worth of optical memory cards for use in its two national biometric ID programs -- the citizen ID card and the new foreign worker ID card.

The foreign worker card program was mandated by the Italian parliament in late 2004. This is the first order received by LaserCard for this new program. Most of the foreign worker cards will be valid for two years and then will need replacing if the cardholder wishes to continue to work legally in Italy while, a smaller percentage, expected to be about ten percent, will be valid for only one year before they need to be replaced. Deliveries of the new cards under the foreign worker ID program are scheduled to be completed in April, 2006.

Weiterlesen: ID Cards: Italy implements two biometric ID card programmes

Erfolgskontrolle heißt das Zauberwort bei allem, was die Wirtschaft macht. Diesem Konzept hat sich auch die Landesabteilung Informationstechnik angeschlossen und rund 2400 Fragebögen zum Bürgernetz und den darin angebotenen eGovernment-Diensten ausgewertet. Mit erfreulichen und für das weitere Vorgehen wichtigen Ergebnissen.

"Gerade im Bereich des eGovernment ist es wichtig, nicht ins Blaue hinein zu planen, sondern bei allen sich bietenden Gelegenheiten das Feedback der Nutzer oder auch nur potenziellen Nutzer einzuholen", so Informatiklandesrat Hans Berger. Entsprechend hat die Abteilung Informationswesen ihren Auftritt auf der Bozner Herbstmesse genutzt, um einen umfangreichen Fragebogen zu verteilen. Nicht weniger als 2408 Bögen sind ausgefüllt worden, deren Auswertung hat man nun abgeschlossen.

Weiterlesen: Italien/Bozen: Umfrage: Zwei von drei Befragten nutzen eGovernment-Dienste des Landes

A new law sets up an ambitious project to enhance interaction between people, public administration

Andy is a 35-year-old Englishman from London who has traveled around the world. He has been to Thailand and Australia, just to name a few nations. Finally he made up his mind to settle down in northeastern Italy with his girlfriend, where they have opened a bed and breakfast. He hoped to enjoy a better quality of life, compared with the lifestyle he could achieve in London.

In the common imagination of foreigners Italy is -- and always will be -- the country of sun, sea, pretty women and nice food; a country of art and tradition, the Coliseum and the leaning tower of Pisa.

Weiterlesen: E-Government in Italy: Reality or Hope?

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